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AspenSpin goes Hollywood

When you live in a small mountain town...at the end of the road you don't always get to see all the hottest  Hollywood films.  Aspen, Colorado, however, is a little different than the typical Rocky Mountain hamlet.  Hollywood comes to Aspen.   

Thanks to Aspen Film and their 20th annual Academy Screenings  Aspen gets an opportunity to see all the most important movies.  Tonight marks the opening night of programming for the very popular film series that runs from Dec 22-Jan1.  Hoooray for Aspen Film for being Independent by Nature and allowing us mountain folk to see some of the finest films of 2010/11.  The slate is full of outstanding films including Black Swan with Natalie Portman, Company Men starring Ben Affleck, Tommy Lee Jones and Kevin Costner, Barney's Version headlined by Paul Giamatti and Dustin Hoffman and Casino Jack lead by Kevin Spacey.   That's just a few of the many great films slated for Aspen---click ACADEMY SCREENINGS for a full schedule.

AspenSpin is scheduled to see THE FIGHTER on opening night (Dec. 22) and TRUE GRIT tomorrow night. We are especially excited by these two offerings. Expectations are high.  We love boxing flicks and Marky Mark Wahlberg and Christian Bale are two of the most intense actors in show biz. They even made the latest cover of Sports Illustrated (below). The Fighter should be a dooozy.  True Grit stars the coolest guy in Hollywood--- the Dude, Jeff Bridges. AspenSpin had a chance to meet Jeff Bridges and his wife last summer---and he is truly a gentleman and a tinsel town legend.  You may recall the original True Grit and John Wayne's Oscar winning performance made in 1969. Helmed by the Coen Brothers,  the new version of TRUE GRIT is getting tremendous buzzzz in NYC and LA.  See it tomorrow in Aspen.

So grab a date, corral the family, review the schedule....this may be your only chance to see some of these films (unless you live in LA or New York).  Click Aspen Film for all the info.




Aspen Peak: Sorry for Partying

When Aspen Peak magazine throws a party...everyone in Aspen wants to attend.  Socialites, tourists, celebrities and even a few ski bums vie to get "on the list".  Saturday night, Aspen Peak along with Bing and Veuve Clicquot hosted a HUGE BASH at the Hotel Jerome and everybody who is anybody  in Aspen made the scene.  Even AspenSpin cleaned up our act and got behind the velvet rope.....thaz riiight.

Check the pix... ASPEN PEAK: Sorry for Partying    

The Stars were aligned for a BIG night and The Aspen Peak soiree did not disappoint.  More than 500 partiers, all dressed to impress, attended the festivities.  The champagne flowed generously as the beautiful people paused for a "step and repeat" before entering the Hotel Jerome Ballroom.  Things got a little crazy on the dance floor as the celebrants "turned it up to 11"

Thanks to Aspen Peak for a great night .....and once again....Sorry for Partying.

click the photos 4 more pix.




Flip the Switch. 50 year POW Storm.

The season starts today.  The fist sign of tourists hit Ajax today. Someone flipped a switch in Aspen.   Its been a fantastic early season so far ----what----- with all the POWDER and such.

A monster storm is heading our way just in time for "travel dates".  Joel Gratz and Colorado Powder Forecast is calling it the Pineapple Express--- moisture direct from Hawaii.   Tahoe is getting pulverized, Utah the same.  We've had a steady flow of flakes all day...at the higher elevations.  A-Spin's advisory---  GET HERE NOW, by any means necessary.

AspenSpin is posting pix daily on our FACEBOOK page.  Give us a "Like".

Screen Shot. Joel Gratz, Colorado Powder Forecast.


Amanda Boxtel walks with eLegs in Aspen

Amanda Boxtel takes a stroll. Amanda Boxtel is the Bionic Woman.  18 years ago she suffered a terrible spinal injury while skiing.  The Doctors said she would never walk again.  The Doctors were wrong.

To celebrate her birthday, Amanda "powered up" and walked in Aspen.  With the aid of eLegs, a robotic exoskeleton from Berkeley Bionics Amanda showed off her gait in front of a standing room crowd of family, friends and supporters at the Aspen Club.  It was an emotionally charged atmosphere as a beaming Amanda took laps on the stage and stood tall during the Q&A.  Michael Fox, CEO of the Aspen Club and Eythor Bender, CEO of Berkeley Bionics shared the moment with Amanda and announced that the Aspen Club would receive the first "public" eLegs device later this year.

Our words and photos cannot describe the excitement and the stirring scene that occured when Amanda extended her full frame, stood up and walked.  The future is now.

See our photos, click  THE BIONIC WOMAN.

Michael Fox, CEO of the Aspen Club joined Amanda for a lap.



LIVE.LOVE. EAT. Mountain.

Sally & the CEO.Click 4 PixLive/Love/Eat Mountain, A Free Event had its debut before a packed house at The Wheeler Opera House in Aspen, Colorado last Sunday.  A dynamic, progressive and passionate program, it was a multi-media celebration of sustainable mountain living.  Created as a joint venture between The Wheeler, The City of Aspen, Aspen International Mountain Forum  (AIMF) and Mountain Partnership, it was a BIG hit. A-Spin is reading between the lines... Sally Spaulding and Paul MacFarlane dreamed this one up and made it happen with a strong team effort. 


MacFarlane played, recorded and mashed-up about 20 instruments to provide an intense soundtrack to Peter McBride's striking photos of the mountains and the  mighty Colorado River.  Telly world champ Nick Devore and FuturisticFilms showed their short movie "Growing Home" about Devore's sick-bird ski/surf trip to Morocco and his devotion to a sustainable life-style at his tee pee in Marble.  Next up, a sustainability roundtable with activist Randy Udall, Casey Sheahan, CEO of Patagonia, Jerome Ostenkowski, a Pharmaculturist, Lauren McDonell of the Canary Initiative and Nathan Ratledge of C.O.R.E.  This was all emceed by BIG Mountain Alpinist/Skier Chris Davenport and the agenda included sweeeeeet veggie eats from PYRAMID-- the new restaurant in Explore Bookstore...and  tons of swag from Marmot, Patagonia, Aspen Club and  an informative and interactive sponsor's row

We expect this will be an annual event, so get on it Aspen.  Live, Love, Eat, Mountain---- we're doing it everyday.

Nick Devore and his boyz at LIVE LOVE EAT Mountain in Aspen. Click 4 more pix..

Musical Fusion by Paul MacFarlane. Paul jammed on approx 20 instruments. click 4 pix.

Pyramid Bistro at Explore Bookstore. tasty sustainable eats. click 4 pix.