

Living the Dream in Aspen: Skiing, Lifestyle, Parties, Events, Travel, Gossip, Society, Entertainment, Restaurants and Bars, Nightlife, Photographs.

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Yoga at 11,212 feet.

I've recently started doing Yoga for Skiers (and snowboarders) on top of Aspen Mountain.  It only took me 11 years to discover the benefits of doing yoga to start my ski day.

Yoga for skiers is the brain-child of Kate Giampapa and Jane Gottleib who somehow talked Aspen Ski Co. into offering free yoga at the Sundeck at 9.30 on Tues, Thurs and Sat. .  It's been going on for at least two years...maybe longer.  I recently gave Yoga for Skiers a try and all I can say is WOW.

After 110 ski days my hammies are pretty tight, my gluts are worked and my knees are tired. On a recent Tuesday, I decided to give mountain top yoga a try.  In addition to the obvious benefits of stretching, I also truly enjoyed stripping down to my long under-wear in front of 50 hot chicks.  It was extremely liberating and not creepy at all.

As a culmination to the long yoga season, Yoga for Skiers organized a special session with Simon Park a well known professional yogini from Philly.  About 75 people showed up early on Saturday morning to do Yoga at 11,212 feet.  Spirits were high, the music was kickin',  LuLu was out in force and of the 75 attendee's...65 of them were sleek, stylish, beautiful, athletic women.   So it was off with the outer wear and onto the mat for A. Party.  For the 3rd time in one week, bro???

I've come to realize that the Yoga for Skiers gets my blood flowing, it stretches out my tired joints and muscles and gives me a natural energy boost that really helps my skiing. I have yet to fully embrace the whole spiritual aspect of my practice, ooooooommmmm...but I do like to stretch and I love the girl-to-guy ratio.  I'm still eating cheetos for breakfast...but now I'm addicted to Yoga for Skiers.  




The Aspen Bounce

Click to learn more about CLIMB to GLORYBasically, April is Local's month in Aspen.  Most of the tourists have bolted town...but Lord knows it just keeps snowing.  We've had some pretty sick pow days this spring, and the guys from Aspen Weather told everyone that it's gonna keep dumping.    Click for pix:  ASPEN BOUNCE

We checked out some Local action;  The Wheeler Opera House hosted Climb to Glory...a fascinating documentary film about the 10th Mountain Division, America's skiing soldiers. In 1942 more than 14,000 men were stationed at Camp Hale (near Vail) to train for mountainous warfare in WWII.  That training paid off for the USA helping the Allied Forces to win WWII securing a life of freedom for all of us.  Over 60 ski areas in the U.S. can trace their roots to 10th Mountain warriors.   One 10th mountain guy said  "you can play golf or tennis...but skiing is a lifestyle".  Click to learn more about CLIMB to GLORY.

Aspen Weather threw a bash at Sky Hotel to celebrate their 1000 th subscriber.  Everyone was partying like a hurricane, especially Corey and Ryan.  

Later that night D.J. Folami and Berkel Beats headlined the Belly Up, Aspen.  All the dub-steppers were bouncing like Mo-Fo's.  Plus it was Berkel's dirty thirty...so you know it was the shiz-nit.

The 13th annual Bonnie's Party went off like an avi bomb.  It was a multi-generational affair that again went the distance and had to be closed down by ski patrol. 

After all that skiing and partying my system shut down, but click the pix.





The Garden Party

April has been very interesting already.  We've been getting the THICK and SICK, copious amounts of Spring POW POW.  A. Party pulled off a pretty good April Fool's joke and the Ski Co. just extended the season.  Click EXTENDO for details.

Those who believed the mail order bride ruse were generally very happy for me.  Not everyone thought it was funny.  One lady said it was "gross" and an indication that I was "dumbing down".  But I did get a few laughs and a bunch of clicks and plenty of interaction.  FB posts, tweets, texts, e-mails and even a few real phone calls from old friends.   Unfortunately one call opened some old wounds. I let my guard down and left my Achilles heel exposed for a split second.  Bad Andy came out and the call did not end well.  For that i'm sorry.

It reminds me of the lesson I learned from Ricky Nelson and Garden Party.


Cat-Fished in Aspen.

Nyet. My dreams have been dashed.  I was Cat-Fished.  This is the Lucia that got off the van.  She's in her late 60's and out-weighs me.  The honeymoon is over.  


She Said Yes. Go Mail Order or Go Home.

Go mail-order or go home.  No more drunken skanks for Andy Party.   

After many, many years of living the single life in Aspen, New York, Detroit, San Diego and other American cities...Andrew Party has found his love match.  Lucia, from the Russian City of Omsk has agreed to become my wife, my life partner and hopefully the Mother of my children.  

Honestly, when I was younger...working my a$$ off on Wall Street, marriage never occurred to me. I have stood up at countless weddings for my friends...10 times an usher...never the groom. I always liked being single and ready to mingle.  There are quite a few crumpled up bridesmaids dresses in the corners of my past.   I came close a few times back in the 80's and 90's.   There was that super-needy red headed financier I dated in NYC.  She had divorce written all over her.   The pixie-cute blond piano teacher I dated for a while turned out to be crazier than me...which is not cool.  The hottie, trustafarian brunette that I chased for years is still on the market and she's been DV'd twice....so I guess that was the best decision I never made.  I'm sorry to say this...but the "nice Jewish girls" always bored me.

Honestly, being single for this long has been a gas.  But now,  I've grown weary of doing what I want to do 100% of the time and having zero dependents.  I've never had anyone calling me during the game to remind me to pick up milk, or asking me if her butt looks big in a particular outfit.  But I've been going home to an empty home (except for Carmelo) for too ,too long.  I'm  finally breaking out some of the cash I've been hoarding since I began picking up pop bottles for the return deposits in Southfield. 

My life is about to change.  Lucia and I are getting married.  It's a signed deal.  Lucia and I have been skyping for months and despite the language barrier and a sometimes crappy internet connection, we have developed a true bond.  She wants cash...and I want booty.   She's hitting American soil today...and will be in Aspen tomorrow.  Sure she's too young and too hot for me... but who cares, I'm going for it.

So don't be a hater.  Be happy for Lucia and I. We are not wasting any time.  If all goes according to our plans we'll have a little baby bouncing around Aspen right around New Year's.  

Meet Lucia...my Bride-to Be. She'll be in Aspen on Tuesday.