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4/20 in Colorado. That Smell

Welcome to Colorful Colorado.


The Aspen Election: All Talk

This is not a political blog, but Aspen is a political town.  The opinions expressed below are those of Andrew M. Israel, registered voter.

As Aspen's May 7th election approaches, important political issues rise to the forefront and the candidate's positions become more clear. AspenSpin attended the candidate forum on the environment at Aspen Center for Environmental Studies (ACES).  All 6 mayoral candidates and 3 of the 4 people running for City Council participated in a panel discussion at ACES. 

I left the forum feeling a little disillusioned and frustrated, but another attendee astutely pointed out to me... "these forums are not where the problems get solved, but you can get a feel for how the candidates will react under pressure". 

Torre for Mayor. Aspen.With 6 guys running for Mayor, it's unlikely that a clear victor will emerge in May.  We expect a run-off  election in June with the top 2 finishers going head-to head.

I was quite pleased to learn that all the candidates seem to agree that environmental issues are crucial to the future of Aspen. Perhaps it was the venue and the audience, but there was absolutely no debate about the existence of climate change and all the panelists seemed to respect the importance of Aspen's high profile role in the environmental crusade. The candidates all seemed to believe that the continued stewardship of our precious natural resources is essential to residents, tourists and the future of our town.

Skadron for Mayor. AspenCurrent council member and mayoral candidate Torre is passionate about the environment and his track record reflects that. Torre is credited with shepherding the ban on plastic bags in Aspen and doesn't own a car.  He didn't have to ponder the issue of drilling on the Thompson Divide, "hell no" he said.  He's finishing his second 4 year term on city council.

Steve Skadron is also clearly committed to the environment.  It's a major part of his political platform along with "small town character".  Skadron cited his work with C.O.R.E (Community Office for Resource Efficiency). Skadron has 2 years left on his second council term. 

Emmer for Mayor. AspenPolitical newcomer and retired attorney & C.P.A., Maurice Emmer,"led the fight" to defeat the city's controversial hydro power initiative. At the forum he seemed to be more concerned with the fine print (my words) like jurisdiction and policy than with actually protecting the environment. He seems smart, experienced and probably good with numbers...but i don't see him becoming Aspen's next Mayor.

Frisch for Mayor. AspenI personally have a hard time making sense of Adam Frisch's "common sense" platform.  While I truly respect his diligence, commitment and energy...he often paints with broad brush strokes.  Adam has two years left on his first council term.  The environment does not seem be his most passionate cause.  My impression is that he is pro-growth...whatever that means.

Johnson for Mayor. AspenDerek Johnson is finishing his first term on city council.  His day job is Director of Retail for Aspen Skiing Company.  Derek is a nice guy and he seems interested in the environment.  He was instrumental in "Aspen Tap" and "WE", the new bike sharing program.  He has served admirably on council and has proven his independence. However, in my opinion the position of Mayor should be arms-length from city's largest business...but that's just me.

Erspamer for Mayor. AspenLj Erspamer is a good guy, and he's been around Aspen for a long time.  He has worked tirelessly for years on countless committees and he helped build the ARC.  His mention of a "master switch" for all the empty mansions in Aspen to help curb their needless power usage deserves further discussion, because we all should our energy consumption to elimintate waste.

The City Council election has only 4 people running for 2 open spots. 

Art Daily was not in attendance. 

Ann Mullins is clearly pro-environment.  Her experience with urban design and planning would serve Aspen well on City Council.  She is a new face on the Aspen political scene, but she seems clear headed and strong.  It probably would be good to have a Woman's voice on council again.  I like her.Mullins for City Council. Aspen

Romero for City Council. AspenDwayne Romero is a war hero and a graduate of West Point and he has an MBA from Harvard.  On paper he's unbelievable.  But for me, it's hard to overlook the fact that he previously left his elected post on City Council to take a big title job with the State of Colorado. That part would have been OK had he not left that new position within 6 months.  It was a bad decision and he admits that.  I realize people make mistakes and I forgive him, so I'm glad he was able to reclaim his position of President of Related Colorado in Snowmass.   The fact that he voted thumbs-up for every development project that crossed his council desk (including the divisive Aspen Art Museum deal) also gives me reason to pause.

Carlson for City Council. AspenJonny Carlson is a good times guy.  I've seen him at the parties and the bars.  He's a funny guy...and he brings a little GONZO to the table.  Is he cut out for politics??  I don't think so.   Jonny's candidacy is reminiscent of days gone by in Aspen when the freaks challenged the establishment.  If Jonny, or someone like him, understood the issues and took their role seriously...I think he or she would have a chance. I believe the voters are looking for fresh perspective.

So there you have it.  My 2 cents.  I'll be voting early and often...you should too.  You decide.



Aspen: We're Not Done Yet!!

Sunday was closing day on Aspen Mountain and it was a great powder day. Monday was probably the single best ski day of the year...free refills.  Tuesday was a pow pow jamboree at Aspen Highlands.  It's supposed to snow tonight. In fact it's dumping right now. Wow, April really is siiiiiiiiiiiiiick. Gotta go.

Aspen Highlands is open through 4/21 with a bonus week-end 4/27-4/28

Spring is storming in Aspen...and we're not done yet.

Mike Tierney rolling freshieson the Cooper Street Mall in Aspen



Halo Effect on Red Mountain.

Maroon Bowl experienced a HUGE natural avalanche. The slide went about 4000 ft.The ants go marching 1 x 1. Tuesday in Highland Bowl.Street Scenes in Aspen.


Aspen Mountain goes out with a BANG!!

Jag getting off on closing day at Aspen MountainPowder Days are just better!! 

There is no feeling that compares with dashing down a steep mountain floating on top of a foot of fresh POW POW.   It's what people around Aspen live for.  

Apparently Ullr (The Norse God of Snow) has a sense of humor.  A HUGE Spring storm dropped 12" of freshies on Aspen Mountain just in time for closing day.  After a challenging snow season that started very slow ASPEN MOUNTAIN goes out with a BANG.   Closing Day on Ajax had a little bit of everything.  Snow, sun, wind, the 42nd Annual Buck-Off and one of the illest parties in recent memory.

The skiing and riding was phenominal on the last day.  If not the best day of the season it was clearly "top 5" according to several  Aspen Mountain afficianados.   Weird...right?  Everybody broke out their fatties one last time to churn up the Spring snow. As usual, A.Party was in the very first wave of regulars at the Silver Queen Gondola and got waaaaaaaaay more than his share.  The skiing was fantastic, especially on the top half of the mountain.  As the day warmed and became a beautiful Colorado bluebird afternoon the conditions deteriorated.  The bottom 1/2 of the mountain became an obstacle course of clumpy, heavy, snirt infused sh*t.   Avoiding the fallen bodies was part of the program.  But everyone made it.

Around 4pm the Sky Hotel and 39 Degrees unleashed a party of furious proportions.  The Where's Waldo themed soiree brought out all the players. Some wore costumes, some wore ski clothes and some wore bikini's.  The 2012/13 ski season on Aspen Mountain ended in a storm of EDM and jello shots on the pool deck at the Sky. 

Click 4 sick pix.   ASPEN MOUNTAIN goes out with a BANG

The usual suspects lining up for POW POW for closing day on Ajax.Everything looks good in WHITE. Click for pix.Chopper staying safe during the 42nd Annual Buck-Off to close out the season on Aspen Mountain. Click 4 pix.Where's Waldo at The Sky Hotel. Sh*t got crazy. Click 4 pix.Everyone into the pool. Click for pix.


She's the One. Hammersmith Odeon, 1975