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@Scobelizer interviews A. Party.

Hear Katrina. 2.40 mark.Weblebrity Robert Scoble made the scene in Aspen, Colorado.  He's one of the best known bloggers in history.  Scoble was credited in The Economist in 2005 as follows  "he has made Microsoft, with its history of monopolistic bullying, appear marginally but noticeably less evil to the outside world".  Click 2 learn more about @SCOBELIZER.

@Scobelizer was doing the same thing at a ski porn movie event in Aspen.  He was a little light headed at 11,212 feet on top of Aspen Mountain when he caught up with Aspen's own blogger Andy Party of AspenSpin. MSFT which is part of the AspenSpin Pizza Fund has been flat for more than 10 years.  Wut up wif dat??  I should sell dat sh*t right now.

Scobleizer seemed pre-occupied with the "ski every day, party every night" life-style that we embrace.   If you've got 8 minutes to spare...give it a click.   Cameo appearance at 2.40 min mark by ski vixen Katrina Devore.


Click to listen to Robert Scoble's interview with Andy Party of AspenSpin.







Aspen spelled Backwards. NEPSA 2012

Klaus Obermeyer kicks off ski season in Aspen with a HUGE yodel at the NEPSA Video Awards. click 4 pix.In Aspen, the NEPSA Video Awards is always the unofficial start to Winter.  NEPSA is the signal to fire up the Stoke for Snow.   NEPSA is a 5 minute video contest for "amateurs " with cash prizes and BIG bragging rights. 

Click 4 pix:  

Aspen Spelled Backwards

This year's 9 NEPSA entrants produced some incredible films.  "Erste Stuhl" or "First Chair", a film by Helga & Hans took home the top honors.  Geoff Stump and Klaus Obermeyer attempted to repeat as NEPSA champs but finished a close  2nd with "Before Aspen".  Third Place & Audience Favorite award went to The Circle of Corduroy who created a siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiick time lapse study of Aspen Mountain...mostly shot from a snowcat while grooming the mountain.   Honorable mention must  have gone to the film crew from Jackson Hole who took gnarly to a new extreme with "Skid Luxury".  Their film included some of most gnarly cliff jumping and ski flying we've seen. 

Dav & Trav hosted again and they played it straight this year, no silk stockings, no skirts & no full make-up.  Pat, the Aspen Sign Lady was not in the audience, but it was clearly established that the Historic Wheeler Opera House was private property. AspenSpin had to be on our best behavior. As always, Klaus Obermeyer provided a hearty yodel to kick off the season. Kudos must go out to all the NEPSA entrants as the quality of the vid submissions has never been higher.

Helga and Hans crushing it on grass.Then on to the Sundeck atop Aspen Mountain for professional ski porn from Level 1.  Their film "Sunny" dominated the recent IF3 in Montreal and contained some inspired scenes, including footage of a bunch of Japanese Cops trying to communicate with a trio of jibbers, while they were shooting urban ski scenes in parking lot in Sapporo. The Japanese Police have no idea how famous they are in the ski world.   The Cops are shown throwing the book at the skiers.  Funny stuff.

It's pretty clear that Winter is Coming...as AspenSpin got frozen out of The Meeting 8.  The suits decided that authentic coverage from an independent source was unnecessary.  The blogger does not make the cut.  No media credential for AspenSpin.  Conventional wisdom would suggest that shooting 25,000+  lifestyle photos and sharing more than 500 blog posts about Aspen and skiing would qualify us for something???  Not so, what we did get was the cold shoulder and a seat next to Mohammet, Jugdish, Sidney and Clayton.   Oh, well, bottom line, we'll miss out on the unbridled boozing and the go-kart racing and the gift bags that is The Meeting.  Unfortunately, we'll have to follow the panel discussion on twitter featuring internet BIG WIGS, @scobelizer @chasejarvis and @everywheretrip   Does that sound like sour grapes...maybe so...but at least I'm honest, and honestly...we're tired of sitting with Mohammet, Jugdish, Sidney and Clayton.

 The good news: you can still click the sickest pix from NEPSA.  It's not Gangham style...but it is real.  *All photos taken without proper media credentials*


The NEPSA winners; Helga and Hans came out of nowhere to claim the top prize at the 2012 NEPSA Video Awards. Clcik 4 pix.Slicing and dicing put together a compelling vid, but finished out of the money.

Bromance!! The Circle of Corduroy took 3rd place and won the Audience Favorite award.Is "icing" even relevant any more? It was last night. Click 4 Pix.@sobleizer and @aspenspin havin a mind-meld at 12,000 ft. Click 4 Pix. 


Peak Bagging and Tree Hugging in Colorado

The final push to the summit of Mt. Elbert. Click 4 pix.The only thing showing up outside at 5 a.m. were the brilliant stars and the family of bears who have been cruising Aspen's dumpsters for weeks.

Getting an early start is the key to Peak Bagging in Colorado. Packed, psyched, dog-been-walked, oat-meal-been-eaten and ready for a 6 a.m. pick-up.  Today's goal, Mount Elbert, the tallest peak in Colorado at 14,433 feet.  My bro Mike Jahn rolled up---a little late--but we were on the road soon enough.  Mike had summited Mt. Elbert in 1992...so he was an expert in my eyes.

Click 4 pix:  Peak Bagging & Tree Hugging

We drove over Independence Pass just as the Sun began to rise above the peaks creating a kaleidoscope of colors within the Aspen trees.  It was R.O.Y.G.B.I.V. right before our eyes.  We wanted to stop for photos but  A) we were anxious to hit the trail and B) my nature pix never live up to the real thing, in person.  We found the trail head, near Half Moon Creek without any problems and started walking uphill through the forest.  The sun shone through the trees and the morning chill (it was about 35 degrees) began to burn off.  I had too many layers on and my pack was too heavy but I made two great decisions,  I brought my ski poles with me...and I left my beloved dog at home. 

The first false summit on Mt. Elbert. The work layed ahead,It would be 10 miles on a clearly worn trail with a 4,400 foot vertical rise.  Nowhere to go but up.  We kept a decent pace for about 2 1/2 miles, hit the tree line and took a short break. This would be the last shade we would see.  It was a spectacular Colorado morning.  If you've  ever been out here in Colorado, at altitude, when it's brilliantly clear and crisp, you know what I mean.  Not too warm, not too cold...just perfect... a textbook bluebird day. The only flaw was the smoke & haze out on the horizon created by wildfires in Idaho.   The real work was still ahead of us. 

Up, Up, Up we hiked.  Nothing too technical but pretty steep.  Like doing the stair- master for 3 miles.  Switchback after switchback ... and it was all self-service.   The peak that we could look up and see before us was a false summit.  Luckily I read the guide book ahead of time and knew that.  It's all about expectations. Mike scampered ahead (impressive) as I maintained my steady pace, sometimes counting out the steps to keep pushing on.  As we circled around to the right, around the first false summit,  it reminded me a little bit of the Aspen Highlands Bowl hike.  We crested a second false summit and the real summit was not far.   Mike had already made the top and was chatting with Tall Ted and Long Lean Courtney who we had met along the way.  I pushed to the top and still felt strong. Yeeeeeah.  I felt a great sense of accomplishment and shared a quick hug with MJ.  We feasted on PB & J and Gorp washed down by water that we lugged all the way up the hill ourselves.  We spent some quiet time up top, enjoying the 360 degree views.  There were only a few people at the summit, and only one guy who felt the need to make calls on his celly.  "Guess where I am?" he shouted into his phone.   "Yeah, let's do Italian, Mexican whatever you want" he screamed above the wind.  I tried to stay calm...and not toss his device into atmosphere.

I've bagged a few peaks in my day...and I knew that the joy and relief of making the top was akin to a false summit.  The key to mountain climbing... is making it "up & down" according to Jim Whittakar, the first American to summit Everest.

Explosion of color above Twin Lakes. Click 4 pix.Mike gave me a head start and we headed down.  We were walking at a faster pace, but the wear and tear on the joints was adding up.  My feet hurt, my knees were aching, my stout calves were spent and even my world class quads were tiring.  We got to the tree line...and I regained a burst of energy...."let's finish this bitch" I yelled to Mike, he nodded, we bumped fists and we pushed forward.  The trail through the woods seemed much longer and a lot less fun than it was early that morning.  We were making progress...all downhill, but it was rocky and slippery and hot and I was running out of  water, and I could feel the blisters building on my big toes.  "Are we there yet?" I kept thinking to myself.  Luckily, the natural beauty surrounding us was phenomenal...and I realized that I had no choice but to keep going, moving forward.  So onward we trudged.

Finally, finally we got back to the car.  YeeeeeeeeeeeeAH. Mission accomplished.  We were thinking about dunking our feet in the cold water of Half Moon Creek..but I knew if I took my shoes off...I was done.   We decided to hit the thriving metropolis of Leadville for a snack before driving back to Aspen.  Mike clicked up a "local food" app. which suggested a "chrome taco truck" next to the Connoco.   It looked authentic, down and dirty. There were a few other customers milling about (all who appeared to be ex-cons).  So we ordered up.  Maybe we were just hungry from the hike...but Mike and I agreed.  BEST TACOS EVER!!  

We bagged the highest peak in Colorado, we saw some incredible colors in the trees and we pounded tacos at 10,200 ft.  Not a bad way to celebrate the last day of Summer.  It was a perfect day to find the highest spot in Colorado.


Mike jahn and I enjoying our time atop Colorado. Mt. Elbert, 14,433 ft. Click 4 pix.Looking down on the Rocky Mountains. Click 4 pix.

The leaves in Aspen are peaking...right about now 


Sunrise @ Snowmass

Tetrah takes off at The Snowmass Balloon Festival. Photo: Patsy Popejoy Click 4 more pix.I can't recall ever watching the Sun rise in Snowmass.  For the first time in about 10 years I had to set an alarm clock, Why?.  Up and at 'em at 6 a.m. Why?  Walking the dog, in the dark , on frosty grass at 34 almost freezing degrees...why, you ask?   The 37th Snowmass Balloon Festival, that's why.  Thanks to Snowmass Village P.R. for hooking me up with a ride on TETRAH, a tetrahedron shaped balloon, the largest and most unique rig in the festival.  Pilot /owner Steve Hunter and his chase crew gave me a quick course in ballooning.  Hunter built the Tetrah in his garage and it's one of the only  home-built balloon set-ups at the fest.   With about 100,000 cubic feet of hot air, Tetrah has superior lifting power. 

Click 4 pix  SUNRISE @ SNOWMASS   and    RUGGERFEST 45

Captain Hunter, a veteran of 25 straight Snowmass Balloon Festivals assured me "today is a perfect 10 for flying". He would know, he flies between 30 and 50 times a year, depending on his wife's wishes.  "After 25 years..my wife finally said "it's your passion, not mine" so we don't travel as much as we used to" laughed Hunter.  The very chilly morning exploded into one of those beautiful Colorado blue-bird days that defies description.  As we rose above the balloon launch field the entire Snowmass Valley opened up and we were greeted with spectacular views of the Rocky Mountains and the environs.  It was a fantastic flight, an uneventful landing and AspenSpin got a brand new perspective. 

Inside the Balloon at Snowmass Balloon Fest. click 4 pix.Click 4 pix:

Sunrise @ Snowmass.   

After the flight, I ripped a quick mile at the Snowmass Rec Center pool which boasts a beautiful outdoor setting.  I followed that up by taking a quick power-snooze at a handy hammock in Snowmass and then hit the village for the Snowmass Wine Festival hosted by Snowmass Rotary.  The Snowmass Mall was lined with food and wine vendors and packed with happy people.  Eating and drinking plays right into AspenSpin's  core competency, so I tried a few wines and bulked up on fine foods.  It was a great day in Snowmass.  A mini-vacation, just 9 miles from my door.

A full day at Snowmass brought back some nostalgic memories for me.  AspenSpin donesn't get to Snowmass very often and I truly forgot how nice and beautiful it is over there.   The Snowmass Mall still maintains a quaint character that seems to be missing in some of the new developments in Aspen and throughout the Valley.  The open space and family atmosphere reminded me of AWESOME ski trips I took in the 70's & 80's driving out from Michigan.   I barely noticed the 1/2 completed Base Village and I'm hopeful that Related Companies can finish what they started with a "right-sized" version. 

Come to think of it...I have discovered a few secret POW stashes over in Snowmass.  If you know where to look, one can usually find some un-tracked lines in the trees 2 or 3 days after a storm.  Hmmmm, and they do have over 3,000 acres of pretty sweet terrain.  I'll see you this Winter, Snowmass.  To quote Arnie..." I'll be baaaack".

Also this past weekend, Aspen hosted the 45th Annual Ruggerfest.  The town was chock full of BIG burley guys with lots of scars.  Aspen Ruggerfest brings teams to ZG from all over the country.  Florida, Virginia, Utah and even the U.K.   The tournament boasts a very high level of play.  For the 3rd straight year The Denver Barbarians came out as open division champs.  The Barbos dominated their cross-town rivals, the Glendale Raptors in the final match, outscoring them 70-21. 

Click 4 Pix:  RUGGERFEST 45.

A perfect day for flying in Snowmass. Click 4 pix.

The 37th Annual Snowmass Balloon Festival. Up, Up and away. Click 4 pix.The Snowmass Wine Festival followed the Balloon Fest. Good times in Snowmass.Back in Aspen. Blood, sweat and Rugby at Ruggerfest 2012. Click 4 pix.


The Bears of Aspen

The Bears of Aspen. click 4 pixIn the past few years it has not been uncommon to see bears roaming the streets of Aspen looking for food.  Unfortunately the bears are drawn into town, leaving their natural habitat in search of nourishment.  A few days ago a large Momma Bear and her 3 cubs settled into the trees on the Hyman Street pedestrian mall.   They feasted on crab-apples and seemed to be drawn to the al fresco dinning options that are now part of Aspen's messy vitality. 

Click 4 pix: The Bears of Aspen.

From 8 am until after dark the bears hung out in the trees as the cops cordoned off the area and gawkers multiplied.  Admittedly AspenSpin was one of those who was rubber-necking.   "They're so cute" said an I-phone yielding socialite pushing forward to get a photo.  " That is so cool" whispered an active senior as he fumbled with his android and tried to figure out how to switch to camera mode. 

I have to admit that it's awfully exciting to see wild animals up close and personal, but it's also very, very sad.  The cubs looked scared and confused and just wanted to find some chow.  The Mom kept an uneasy eye on her offspring and the gathering crowd on the Mall.   We are under the impression that these bears eventually scampered out of their tree-top safety zones and made it back to the woods.  But that's not always the case.  Sometimes the bears are "tagged" so that if they come to town again they are identifiable.  It's unclear...but apparently after a third such tagging...the bears are euthanized.

Let's hope these bears have a safe, long and restful hibernation this Winter.