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AVSC 75th Anniversary Party

The Aspen Valley Ski and Snowboard Club (AVSC) officially celebrated it's 75th Anniversary with a major blow-out bash at Bumps Restaurant at Buttermilk.    AVSC is the largest local Winter Sports Club in the country. This season AVSC reached 2,175 participants, provided 675 scholarships and donated 300 sets of equipment.  AVSC offers competitive and recreational programs in Alpine, Nordic, Freeride, Snowboard and Adaptive disciplines.   AVSC has produced 23 Olympians, 19 X Games Athletes,  19 members of the Colorado Ski and Snowboard Hall of Fame and countless numbers of U.S. Ski Team competitors and collegiate athletes. 

75 years is an amazing acomplishment.  Click 4 pix: AVSC 75

Everyone in Aspen is aware of AVSC's young athletes.  They stand out on the mountain... buzzing around in a variety of distinctive uniforms, ripping up the terrain with skill and speed.  While the competitive teams are known for their success,  the mission of AVSC is to "Provide all youth in the greater Roaring Fork Valley an opportunity to develop as athletes and as people through Winter sports". The History of AVSC is illustrious.  The club started in the Winter of 36/37, 10 years before Aspen Skiing Company.  Learn more  about the club, click TEAM AVSC.

AVSC is an exhaulted member of the Aspen community and it was no surprise that AVSC went BIG for their 75th.  Everybody was there.  Hands were shaken, backs were slapped and kisses and hugs were prevalent.  Families with 3 or 4 generations of AVSC participants filled Bumps to capacity.  Awards were given for Athletic Achievement, Vision, Family, Community Impact, Volunteerism and more.   The award winners are a who's who of Aspen's A-Team. The Marolts,  Bob Beattie, Jeff Gorsuch, Dick Butera, David Stapleton, Aspen Skiing Company, Gretchen Bleiler, Andy Mill and others.  

AVSC also announced their plans to raise $15 million.   $7.5 mil for the Bob Beattie Perpetual Endowment Fund to provide for under privileged kids.  The other  $7.5 mil for is training facilities, tramps, ramps, foam pits and hopefully a nordic jumping site.   AVSC has already received pledges for more than $5mil, so they are well on their way.

It was a great night.  Click 4 pix.  AVSC 75

Gretchen Bleiler (with her husband Chris) received the AVSC Athletic Excellence AwardAspen Ski Co. CEO Mike Kaplan accepted the Most Valuable Partner Award from AVSC. Click 4 pixWold Cup Skier Wiley Maple and his dude Sam met some AVSC ladies at the 75th. Cllick 4 pix.Olympian Andy Mill kept it light as he accepted an Athletic Excellence Award. click 4 more pix.The entire Marolt Family recieved the Legacy Award at the AVSC 75th. Click 4 pix.



Bob Beattie: The Coach

Bob Beattie is a legendary figure  in ski racing.  Known as "The Coach",  Beattie led the University of Colorado Buffalos to 2 NCAA Titles and then became Head Alpine Coach of the U.S. Ski Team and the U.S. Olympic Team in the 1960's.  He is also well known as a TV Commentator covering several Olympic games and countless other ski racing events.  He is a member of The National Ski Hall of Fame and The Colorado Ski and Snowboard hall of Fame.

This weekend in Aspen, The Coach wil be honored by The World Pro Skiing Foundation and his fans at the BOB BEATTIE REUNION CUP.  Festivities included a Gala Party with the royalty of ski racing and a Pro Ski Race at Aspen Highlands featuring a free concert from John Oates.  The race was open to the pulic at Highlands on Saturday March 31, 2012 starting 10 a.m.  Over 70 former racers including World Champs and Olympians were there racing with AVSC groms and regular people.   The race will be followed by the AVSC 75th Aniversary Party at Buttermilk.   A HUGE weekend is planned.

AspenSpin was on the scene>>> Click for pix


Everybody was a WINNER at the Beattie Reunion Cup Races in Aspen. Click 4 pix.

Racers Ready. Otto Tschudi on stage at the Beattie Cup in Aspen. Cliick for pix.


 Skiing superstars Franz Webber and Franz Klammer and their families at the Beattie Cup in Aspen. Click 4 pix.

Skiing legends Billy Kidd and Klaus Obermeyer at the Beattie Cup Gala. Click 4 pix.The Coach: Bob Beattie with Pepi Gramshammer. Click 4 pix.

Coach Bob Beattie and his Boys, Billy Kidd and Jimmie Heuga at the 1964 Olympics.


Micro-Managing Aspen

I LOVE ASPEN.  While AspenSpin is usually focused on the good times, I want to share a few frustrations about Fat City. There are some burrs under my saddle.  I'm going to Micro manage Aspen for about 1000 words, just to clear the air.  It's been a mediocre ski season and I feel the need to get a few things off my chest. I don't want to be a whiner, so rather than write a letter to the editor ...or maybe bi-atch slap someone in public I will share my observations here on AspenSpin....where no one really cares about it. 

I'm not sour grapes, but my shrink is dead.....  and... here goes. 

ASPEN CHAMBER RESORT ASSOCIATION.   What a bunch of morons.  Sure, individually they are probably good people...but collectively the leaders of this organization can't stop embarrassing themselves. The bureaucracy is deafening.   According to their own website they are "dedicated to supporting businesses and enhancing the visitor experience".  As an outsider looking in...they support SOME businesses...the one's they consider worthy and that are owned by their cronies. What about the other ones...the non-cronies?  As we all know...for most members...the discounted ski passes are the most important benefit.   ACRA receives an extra $1 million annually for their marketing budget from the new lodging tax...but we have yet to see a creative, well constructed marketing campaign. What's our brand?  Aspen: where the rich people go".   The latest flap with the American Chamber of Commerce...who doesn't believe in climate change...is typical.  ACRA sent out a survey of their members to determine whether or not to boycott the national organization....we were told 11% of the the surveys were answered and the question was so one-sided that it could only be answered one way.  Now they face a P.R. SNAFU no matter what.  What can you expect from people who work 9-5 (ooops 10-3.30..but no one is counting).  The Christmas lighting survey is next.

WAGNER PARK.   What a beautiful centerpiece to our town.  Is it a park ..or an event space?   The park gets a ton of use for sports, families, dogs etc.   That is when it's open and not fenced-off by the unsightly plastic barriers .   Wagner Park is still recovering physically from Snow Polo that was held there 2 years ago.  Luckily that event got moved to the more appropriate Marolt Open space.  Unfortunately the rugger-fest took place in the rain..which led to 2 months  of closure mid-Sept through Nov.   Now the park has been closed, from mid-March.  They need  to prep for Food and Wine which is in June.  Will Wagner Park be closed through June?   I dunno --will it?    HEY...let's keep the open spaces...open.  Also,  I'm a dog lover, but those masters who "forget to pick up" are going to ruin it for all of us.

JOHN DENVER SANCTUARY and RIO GRANDE TRAIL.   This is one of my favorite places in Aspen.  However it's been under construction for a year or more.   Huge bulldozers and construction debris have inhabited this usually pristine setting for more than a year.   Good news.... another $1.4 million was just earmarked for the area to complete the job..hopefully.  At least  the signs that  say "trail closed for Summer"  don't need to be replaced...they're still up there from last year. The Theatre Aspen site is clearly a debacle....it looks worse than a third world country over there.  The uncovered steel frame and the blowing white tarpaulin look horrible next to the Rio Grande Trail.  Stay classy, Theatre Aspen...always be creepin'.

ASPEN SKIING COMPANY.  I know it's BIG biz and its a private company and all.  I also know that Aspen is a  company town, but, HEY i'm a customer.  I surely don't want to get banned from the ski hills...but WTF??   Why do they have such a thin skin??? They cannot accept critisim in any form, even if it's constructive.  Last year they banned the Aspen Daily News from their properties.  Last Fall, a woman in the check out line at City Market made a negative comment about the poor early season conditions.  That inncident  blew up into a front page story (slow news day, i guess) because one top Ski Co. Exec made a public statement about locals always complaining.  HELLO...it's America...non-employees are entitled to an opinion.   And why are they such bullies???   They fired Dan Sheridan for singing a song about rich people.  You're fired!!!  They fired (and banned) Lee Mulcahy  (maybe he deserved it for his actions?)...but when it was all said and done...his points about wages and labor were valid and Ski Co. had to adjust their policies.    I used to like it when Ski Co. focused on up-hill transportation and mountain management.  Now they have their tentacles on almost every aspect of Aspen.  Food and bev, lodging , event plannng, retail, and even fishing and Yoga.   I guess we're lucky...it could be Vail.  

NON-PROFITS.  Hey, I think philanthropy is awesome.  I love to "give back" both with my time and my money....but really,  how many non-profits are based in our Valley?   More than 400 is my guess, and new ones are popping up every day. Everybody's a non-profit now.  Many of Aspen's NPO's do fantastic work helping less fortunate people, sick kids, the environment, wildlife, the  mountains, rivers and streams and so on.   Many of them do not.  They collect contributions which are than converted to salaries and overhead and foolish spending.  Many of the NPO's are duplicitous in their missions.    Take a look at Robin Hood Foundation in NYC.  100% of the monies collected are used to do good deeds.  All the overhead and costs are underwritten by the Robin Hood Board.  I hold them out as a role model for local charities. 

F.A.R. (floor area ratio) HO's   I understand...some people view Aspen as a business opportunity on which they can capitalize.  Others simply see it as a wonderful place to visit or live, work and play.  I get it ...greed is good. I have no problem with change and controlled growth.  Replacing some of the dumpy 60's style buildings is not a negative in my viewpoint.  But building lot-line to lot-line??... with no setbacks...maximizing every inch.  Our town is losing character and individuality...soon the whole core will look homogeneous.  Take a ride down I-70...around mile marker 180 for an example.  Big, square buildings with unoccupied penthouses.

SELECTIVE ENFORCEMENT.  Aspen is a very complex society with a highly nuanced social hierarchy. There are lots of great people...and lots of bogarts.  Locals wear their years in Aspen like a badge of honor.  Statements like "I've been here for 30 years" or "I came in the 60's" are repeated over and over. Tourists bring their crap from the cities and act like they own the place.  That's all cool...but The City of Aspen enacts their laws and policies for a reason.  The problem is...the rules only seem to  apply to some people.  The idling law... is just one good example.  The beater Ford pick-up truck with the broom in the back can idle...while the Range Rover with Florida plates can't. There are many other examples of selective enforcement.  If you're going to have rules...enforce them equally for everyone.

NUFF SAID.  I've gone over my budget of 1000 words..and I feel the need to ski. Day #98.


7908: The Songs That Made Me Cry.

7908, The Aspen Songwriters Festival is a labor of love.  John Oates and The Wheeler Opera House have put together another first-class line-up for the 3rd installment of the fest.  7908 is Awesome.

AspenSpin is more of a hard rocker...but we do appreciate a well-written, beautifully played country ballad as much as anyone.  5 days of the singer / songwriter genre is enough to make anyone get drunk, get pregnant, get a divorce, mourn the loss of a friend and sit in the rain reminiscing about days gone by. Despite that, we've enjoyed the shows immensely. The Wheeler is an incredible venue.  The sound is unbelievable, the setting is phenomenal, the history is daunting and now you can even take your beer into the theatre. The artists have displayed talent to burn, a fierce attention to detail and an obvious love for their craft, as well as a strong camaraderie and a bond with the audience.

John Oates hosted 7908. Clcik 4 pix.See the pix.  7908

The Highlights have been plentiful:

Darrell Scott opened the fest with a very strong set of Americana.  

J.D. Souther shared stories about Aspen in the 70's and 80's and his heartfelt rendition of his tunes, New Kid in Town and Best of My Love were sweet and soulful.  Both songs were partially written in Aspen.

The Blue Sky Riders:  Kenny Loggins, Georgia Middleman and Gary Burr played a great set.  But when Loggins layed down Danny's Song ( and even though we ain't got money...i'm still in love with ya honey) which he wrote in 1971....I have to admit...I started crying.  Call it a tear of joy.  It was a great moment in 7908 history.

Harley Ellis, an Aspen native topped a very talented field of songwriters from around the State of Colorado to win the Colorado Songwriters Contest

Marc Broussard brought his Bayou-style funk, rhythm and blues to the Wheeler with a kick a$$ set.

Matt Nathanson closed out 7908 with sold out show that had the ladies dancing in the aisles.  He engaged the SRO audience with tales of sex, love and Detroit.

Click 4 pix:   7908

Matt Nathanson closed out 7908 with a sold out jam fest. Click for more pix.

Aspen Native Harley Ellis won the first Colorado Songwriters contest. Click 4 more pix.

The Blue Sky Riders. Georgia Middleman, Kenny Loggins and Gary Burr in Aspen. click 4 pix.Kenny Loggins sang Danny's Song....price less. Click 4 more pix.J.D Souther and Carrie Rodriguez lit up the stage at The Wheeler. Click for pix.A. Party's Favorite.


Fallen Friends and Protect Our Winters

If you've been to Aspen, Colorado than you know our Valley is one of the most beautiful places in the world.  The majestic Rocky Mountains, the roaring rivers and the high alpine forests provide us with the beautiful natural amphitheater in which we live and play.

Whether you are a local or a tourist it's easy to understand the attractions of Aspen.

 Saturday AspenSpin attended fund-raisers for two extremely important issues, Fallen Friends and Protect Our Winters.  They are issues that affect us locally but have global implications.  At A-Spin we tend to focus on the good times... but these two subjects are becoming increasingly crucial in mountain communities across the globe.

Clic 4 Pix:  Fallen Friends & Protect Our Winters

FALLEN FRIENDs is a memorial event at Aspen Highlands to honor those skiers and riders who have paid the ultimate price. Many of our friends have lost their lives...sure, it's doing what they love, but it's not worth it.  Fallen Friends is a blow out party "for the brothers who aren't here", but it's small compensation for the pain and sorrow of losing a loved one.  Aspen and other ski towns have lost waaaaaaaaaay to many young people to the mountains. Skiing and riding have always been inherently risky endeavors...the syndrome of "pushing the envelope" has created an increasing number of fatalities in the mountain and action sports communities.  We get it...going BIG is fun.  An adrenaline rush is a great feeling.  Sending a previously un-skied line or hucking an un-huckable cliff might get you sponsored or get you a starring role in a ski flick.   AspenSpin will say it loud and clear.  IT'S NOT WORTH IT.   Think before you go.  If it seems to sketchy...it probably is.  RESPECT MOTHER NATURE because she can take you any time she wants to.  Nuff said. 

PROTECT OUR WINTERS.   AspenSpin is not a climate change expert and we cannot solve this immense  worldwide problem with our little blog. But we can help raise money and awareness to fight climate change.  All of us on earth have a COMMON GOAL to find a solution to PROTECT OUR WINTERS (POW).  Chris Davenport and Jeff Halverty along with The Regal Nightclub gave back by throwing an informational fund-raiser.  Click the POW link to find out how you can help.  Act locally... start doing the little things at home. Recycle and re-use.  If we all work together we can Protect Our Winters and keep shredding.

Enough preachin'.  Click my SICK PIX....thaz wut i do.


HBO's Jon Frankel and POW Host Chris Davenport at the Protect Our Winters Event