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March Radness

March Radness in Aspen. click 4 pix.As we roll into March, many things change in Aspen.  Daylights savings time kicks in and the bluebird days (and hopefully more POW days) are glorious.  The party crowd arrives, the face-people take 4 hour lunches at Bonnie's, the senior citizens arrive with their deep pockets.

Bottom line is...the season is almost over.  AspenSpin is at 80 ski days and still on pace for a coveted 100 day pin from Aspen / Snowmass.  The party body is breaking down a little...hopefully nothing a little duct tape, ibuprofen and chinese herbs can't overcome.

The event season is about to peak.  Last week we went to the Cheeseburger Party, The LemonDrop Party, The SkyLab Party and tonight Sneak-a-Peak and tomorrow The 51st Wine Party and corresponding after party.  The Cougs are running wild. 


On tap:


ASPEN FASHION WEEK.  In it's 4th year, and AFW is on.  Bentley is now a sponsor...so I guess that's "how we roll".  KJUS and NEVE two of AspenSpin's favorite brands are on board for 2012.  They will be featured on the runway along with many other active and fashion brands.

Click 4 Info: AFW March 11-14.




7908: The ASPEN SONGWRITERS FESTIVAL, at The Wheeler Opera House.  John Oates and Gram Slayton put together a full slate of singer / songwriters for the 3rd edition of the highly popular event. 

 Click 4 Info:  7908 March 21-24



SNOW MAG's SILVER RUSH.  2 events, one ticket.   A series of in-store / restaurant events followed by an Olympic Team soiree.  Caribou Club, The Baldwin Gallery, The North Face and others are on board.

Click 4 Info :  SILVER RUSH March 22



The Soul of Aspen Mountain.

The Soul of Ajax panel discussion 3/6/11 Click 4 pixNobody is sure how Aspen Mountain picked up the nickname Ajax...but the purists in Aspen don't use that moniker anyway.  They prefer to call their beloved "back yard" by it's given name...Aspen Mountain.

The Aspen Historical Society presented the Soul of Aspen Mountain as part of their successful historical series, Time Travel Tuesdays.  Each of Aspen's Power of Four will get their due...next Tuesday's session will explore the Soul of Buttermilk.

Aspen Mountain's panel of experts shared their insights and love for Aspen Mountain before a standing room crowd at The Limelight.  Panelists included Aspen vets, Gaard Moses, Val Edgington, Brigitte Birkfelder, Jim Hancock, Eric Peltonen and Tony Vagneur.

The Soul of Aspen Mountain (click 4 pix)

Everyone in the room agreed that Aspen Mountain is a very special place.  Tales were swapped by the panelists and the audience.  It was a unanimous decision that THE PEOPLE, THE COMMUNITY and THE Camaraderie and the fact that Aspen Mountain is situated as part of the town itself give Aspen Mountain a unique and extraordinary place in their hearts.

A lot of love for Ajax. Click 4 pix.Gaard shared stories of sperlunking and exploring the inner beauty of Aspen Mountain and nabbing mining claims and living on Little Nell.  He admitted to now living downvalley in "the Middle Kingdom".

Val has been a liftie since 1978.  She came to Aspen immediately after college and her loyalty to the Ski Co. was evident.

Brigitte actually grew up living in The Sundeck.  As a young lady...she was best friends with the ski patrol...even though they used to stuff her in the trash bins (they were playing with her) but she would come back for more.  She used to ski down to school...and this was the days before grooming.  On powder days, her Mom would ski down first to cut the trails so Brigitte could get to school on time.  She now owns and operates Bonnie's...a historic eatery that serves the best food in Aspen.

Jim admitted to being an "Ajax-Aholic".  He finished his last AA run just an hour or two before the event.  He is now in charge of the race crew and sets the course for the World Cup Races every November.  He offered the theory that Aspen skis much larger than it's 675 acres.  "It's fall line skiing...top to bottom"

The stories were flowing. Click 4 pix.Before moving to Aspen in 1966, Eric heard that it "only snowed at night" and that the medians on Main Street had Pot growing in them.  He shared a story about the infamous Ski Patrol strike over "the cleaning of our ski pants".  He admitted he loved Aspen...and "I can't afford to leave".

Tony V has been shredding Aspen Mountain for 62 years.  Referring to Aspen Mountain he is "still seduced by her beauty".  He told boyhood tales of sneaking onto the T-Bar and bouncing the chairs so vigorously that the cable popped off the rollers.  He refused to identify his "secret stashes" but told the crowd that he skies POW POW every run...if he wants it.

The room was overflowing with like-minded Ajax (oops, sorry) lovers.  When the time was up...people did not want to leave.  They wanted to share their own epic stories about Aspen Mountain.  When asked to compare races held at Aspen Mountain to those at Snowmass, one Aspen Mountain vet said,  It's a downhill race, not cross country".

There was a lot of Love in that Room.  To learn more about the Soul of Ajax and the other 3 local mountains in Aspen...visit the Aspen Historical Society.

Photo: Courtesy of Aspen Historical Society.




A nice little Saturday in Aspen

One Night of Queen. Click 4 pix.After 4 legit POW days our entire staff needed a day off from skiing.  A recovery day if you will. The mountain has been skiing the best it's been all year.  Saturday was probably a top 10 day for the season, but Saturday was set to be our day of rest.  We had a nice little Saturday planned.  Home Depot and Bed Bath and Beyond were not on the agenda...a beer bong...maybe?  This is Aspen.

Here's what we came up with for our day off. CLICK 4 PIX: Nice little Saturday

Aspen High School's Boys Basketball team had a great 2012 season. The AHS Skier-dome was the site of the regional final on Saturday, on-the-line was a trip to the State semi's. The AHS Skiers had already won their league crown and their district title and now they would compete for a trip to Fort Collins for a spot in the Colorado Great 8.  Unfortunately, the Skiers dropped a 2 point game to Holy Family (Broomfield) 48-46.  The roundballers had a very successful season, finishing 19-5. The hoopsters played hard and played as a team, but to many missed free throws and early turnovers (the Holy Family defense was swarming) kept the Skiers from the Great 8.  It was an exciting final game and an extremely rewarding season despite the loss.  Congratulations to Coach Steve Ketchum and the whole team, they should hold their heads up high.

Lo and Ro finished the grueling Power of Four mountainering race.The Power of Four.  an extreme mountaineering race which requires reaching the summit of all four of Aspen's ski mountains by hiking on skis. Power of Four is roughly 11,000 feet in vertical ascents, 12,500 ft in descents and more than 25 miles through freezing temperatures and 50 MPH winds.  48 teams competed in the Power of Four.  The Gaston Twins, John and Peter finished first in 5 hours 29 minutes.  The Gastons are physical freaks...but the entire field was composed of some of the fittest and most dedicated athletes in Colorado.  See the race description and official results: Click POWER of FOUR.

We bumped into a group of Disabled Israeli War Vetrans at the base of Ajax.  The soldiers are in Aspen to experience FREEDOM by skiing and riding in the mountains.  Hosted by the Aspen J.C.C. and Challenge Aspen these guys were loving life, and for a few days...living the dream. 

Boyz cookin' Bacon. My childhood friend C.C. Rider invited me to watch the Duke / N.C. game at his killer pad. He was in town from Chicago with his boys trip. "We're cooking dinner after" he texted.  7 guys cooking dinner?? Who knew that one of the guys was a professional chef. Phat Filets and tender Chilean sea bass along with brussles sprouts cooked with plenty of high quality bacon and twice baked potatoes.  It was sooooo siiiiiiiiiiick, a total food orgy.  Thanks C.C....keep up the great work with the fellas.

On tap later, One Night of Queen...a Queen impersonation band.  Gary Mullen and The Works from Scotland have been touring the globe for 10 years doing their Queen show.  Since we never got to see the original Queen with Freddie Mercury...One Night of Queen would flll in the gaps.

A night cap at Casa Tua...and that's all she wrote.


Late in the 4th quarter. This 3 pointer, had it fallen would won the game for Aspen High. click 4 pixStaffan and Himie were releived to finish the POWER of FOUR. Click 4 pix. Diabled Israeli War Veterans visited Aspen to find FREEDOM on the Mountains. Click 4 pix.The Boys from Chicago can cook....and Aspen Spin is a world class eater.One Night of Queen. If you closed your eyes...it was real. click 4 pix.Late Night at Casa Tua. Clay had it goin' on. Click 4 pix.



BIG DUMPS fall on Aspen

Zaugg Dump. FIRST ONE IN. 3/1/12. Click 4 pix. We stopped counting the inches, but the most recent series of snow storms in Colorado dropped over 2 feet of sweeeeeeet POW POW on Aspen.  Aspen Mountain has finally softened up.  The last three days have been the 3 best days of the season....and today is shaping up to be a new #1.  It's been a long time coming.  Ski Season 2011/12 has been a funky one with unusual storm patterns, high winds and BIG DUMPS that "almost hit". Avalanche danger in Colorado is the highest it's been in more than 30 years.  Extreme climate changes have been the norm this Winter.   From freezing to warm and back again...it's been weird.  But, hey...there is no such thing as "climate change" {wink, wink} Right?

Click 4 pix.  BIG DUMPS

We finally got some in Aspen.  Tuesday was super-sick...maybe you caught my COVER SHOT (see the story posted below) on the Aspen/Snowmass homepage.  Wednesday the sun came out after another layer of snow dropped.  Thursday was one of the few days this season when it started snowing and just kept going.  Yeah it was cold and windy...6 degrees at the top...but that's how we love it. 

POW POW on Ajax. click 4 pixSo, If you're working,  in you're private office...at your desk... or maybe in your cube... or watching Oprah (ooops I mean Ellen).... call in siiiiiiiiiiiiiick. Get your A$$ out here.  It's time to shred.   Most of the rocks and stumps and other chazari is finally covered in beautiful, beautiful snow. Soft and plentiful.

On a side note, Carmelo, my trusted friend and almost constant companion for the past 9 years turned 9 today.  She's a great dog...but she's sick of getting her picture taken. Today we had an early POW morning and a special breakfast...and she let me take some pix.  If you see her around Aspen..give her a treat and wish her Happy B-Day.

Click 4 pix :  BIG DUMPS

Aspen looks good covered in White. click 4 pix.Bepo brought out the POWDER Suit for POW days on Ajax. Click 4 more pix.Carmelo celebrated her 9th b-day by rolling in the POW and playing fetch. Click 4 more pix.Friedl Pfeifer always looks best topped with POW. Click 4 pix.


Blogger Appreciation Day @ Aspen/Snowmass

It was a legit POW Day on Ajax. 2/28/12 Click 4 pix. I know what you think.  A. Party is just a blogger, albeit, one who takes incredible people pix and is consistently funny as sh*t.  But in reality I'm a skier.  That's what I came to Aspen to do and that's what drives me.  A.Party has not missed a POW day in Aspen in 9 years.  The chicks, the parties, all the sick perqs of  being AspenSpin, the stellar klout score and the massive swag hoarding...all that is just icing on the cake.

Today in Aspen, 2/28/12  was the best POW Day of the season so far. 

Ajax is an intimate mountain.  You always see the same faces on the POWDER days.  All of the usual suspects were out schralping today.  I was up early with anticipation, second in line at the bucket at around 8:15. Uploading began early at 8:45 and I scored the second gondola.  The first lap was siiiiiiiiick.  Untouched POW -- top to bottom, and to paraphrase Kenny Powers...I t*tty f#*ked that run.

On the second lap I spotted Aspen Ski Co.'s #ContentCrew hanging out at the base. "What are you guys waiting for?" I asked the group, not really expecting an answer.   Douche Bag Digi Dave replied "some of our athletes and models are late".  Pete from finance added "We're shooting the POW day".  Aspen Ski Co's ace photographer Jeremy Swanson said..."hey,  you're wearing a bright color...wanna come shoot with us?"   "Whaaaaaat?" My thoughts raced quickly {Andy-Party on a POW day photo shoot?...with pros?}.  "F#*K yeah, I'm in.!!!"  I responded without delay.  It was snowing hard...the line at the gondola was slowly building.  "Let's do this" shouted Dave and we were off.

It was only about 6"-8", but it kept snowing and blowing all day...maybe 12" of POW in spots where the wind had deposited it.  We ripped the Back of Bell, Ridge of Bell,  Face of Bell, Cone 2, Walsh's, Jackpot,   Walsh's again, Glade 3 and more.  We picked up some real rippers along the way.   Ryan (Aspen Weather), CarlaVT, Tony P., Packy, Gordon ( the world's most photographed human), Peter King ( Ajax Mountain Manager), Jesse (sick free-heeler) and Nelson (Apres Bike Aspen) joined in with us. 

It was a blast.  We all skied, and Jeremy shot sick powder pix.  Sure, there was a little more standing around than usual, but it felt great to be on the other side of the lens for once.  All those ski days paid off, as I was very familiar with the terrain.  I was especially elated that ski conditions were so soft and fluffy as I knew how gnarly and firm it was underneath.  I was holding my own in the ski modeling department...spraying POW as high as I could, going b@lls out for the camera.  Smilin' and free-stylin'. Ballin' and haulin'.  Charging like a Coug at Bergdorf's.  What ev's .... it was a great day.

Turns out...I'm the cover boy on the Aspen/Snowmass homepage.  How sick is that?  Who could ask for anything more?  Thanks to ULLR for the best day of the year, and to the Aspen / Snowmass #ContentCrew for documenting it on digi.   I'm a model and I know it.

Click for more pix.   SICK POW DAY  (Aspen/Snowmass pix by Jeremy Swanson)

                               The WHITE ROOM   (AspenSpin pix by A.Party)

Cover Boy on the Aspen / Snowmass homepage. Photo: Jeremy Swanson / Aspen Ski Co. Yeah, A. Party is a model.



 Tony P. Carla VT, Digi Dave, PK and "the shooter". On top of Walsh's just prior to our schralping it.Nelson Reily goes upside-down on Walsh's. He stomped it. Photo: Jeremy Swanson / Aspen Ski Co.