Aspen Spin 2.0

Summer's over!!! Rocktober's over!!! Halloween was siiiiick!!! and skiing in Aspen is only 3 weeks away. So it is with great pride that we deliver Aspen Spin 2.0. We're not just some random blog anymore--- we've evolved into ASPEN's #1 On-Line Tabloid.
Now if you want to avoid all those bothersome e-mails---try signing up for our RSS feed (top left), it'll keep you updated. In addition to the riveting content and awesome pix, you can check the weather (it's accurate), book a room, buy real estate, save on your next botox party, rent a jet, buy ski equipment (vintage and new) and a whole lot more cool stuff. This thing of ours is growing like a virus, and we're prepped for a huge 2007/08 ski season. Yep, it's real and we're finally gettin' paid. The baby is all grow-ed up.
Back to Halloween; for Aspen Locals it's the biggest party night on the calendar. This year was no exception. There were parties everywhere. The place was hopping. Aspen Spin had special correspondents all over town. Our shooters made the scene at The Elks Club, Aspen Square and the infamous Caribou Club-where panties were dropping faster than the free shots of Jaeger. The highlight of the evening was the SPAZMATICS / DANGER KITTY show at Belly Up. These 2 bands (shhhhh, it's two bands) kicked out the 80's rock n roll to the delight of a fully packed house. The $1000 cash prize awarded for the top costume brought out the best Aspen had to offer. Aspen Spin was honored to be chosen as a contest judge along with the Spazmatics and Mehndi.
AS you can see, things got a little out of control last night, and our entire staff is fighting a fierce hangover, and some of the names and faces are blurred. See if you can spot the Local Celebs in their costumes. Also, we're just learning how to use our new custom made software----but check out the pix, click on our sponsors, review last year's Aspen Spin---- and get ready-------there's a huge POWDER STORM coming and they're calling it .
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