TG in ZG

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone and more importantly---Happy Opening Day in Aspen.
Due to unforseen and unfortunate circumstances Aspen Spin is missing out on the first ski day of the season this year. We were called away for an emergency ..........and nooooo......, the police were not involved. Flying on Thanksgiving weekend was not our preferred agenda, but sometimes----you just gotta go.
Yup, it finally snowed in Aspen. Big Bro over at Ski Co. generously called it 12" @ SMass and 9" on Ajax but using the Carmelo-meter (right)----Aspen Spin measured it at about 3" in town. Don't get too excited the picture on the right was taken last year.
Also, thank you for the flood of e-mails requesting ski conditions, discounts and party tips, we'll be back on the job in a day or two. We're away for a few days, but that doesn't mean we don't have the SPIN.
For opening day---very limited terrain will be skiable. SMass will feature---200 vertical feet on Fanny Hill, for Thursday, that's the only option. Check it out, the new $18 million, state of the art, 25,000 sq ft TreeHouse Children's Center at the base of SMass will be opening, on time, amidst all the construction debris.
Ajax will be open for " lunch only" ----no skiing. On Friday, 2 or 3 runs will open on Aspen Mountain----laps to 3 on SilverBell and Deer Park will be the only call. We'll keep y'all abreast as soon as new terrain opens.
More weather news. For the 2007/08 ski season, The National Weather Service's Climate Prediction Center is calling for a mild La Nina episode for areas west of the Continental Divide eg: Aspen. What does that mean to you? A warm, mild winter with lower than average precipitation. BOGUS. Let's hope they're wrong.
On the financial front, billionaire John Calamos is loaning $2 million to Aspen Executive Jets (AEX), so they can avoid a shut down and keep flying this season. Calamos owns AEX along with other businesses in the Valley including Zele Cafe. Allegations of fraud and mismanagement plagued the previous local management of AEX before their demise. Recently an Arkansas based charter service d.b.a JetRide began working with Calamos to keep the beleaguered Basalt based company solvent and in the Air. If you need a reliable jet---fast---click on the Jet Stream banner to your left.
Were you planning to bid on Prince Bandar's $135 million estate in Starwood ?----to late. Hala Ranch has been pulled off the market. Despite "enormous interest in the property" according to Broker, Josh Saslove, no one stepped up to write an "acceptable deal". The only thing bigger than the $135 million price tag is the P.R. machine over at Saslove & Co. Saslove is also involved in the re-development project at Cooper Street Pier. That deal has been "shut down" by City Council and the lawsuits should be flying soon.
Also, for a good time, check out Aspen Magazine's profile on Courtney and Karen Lord's "haute" home in Aspen. The mag. calls them "taste makers", what do you think ?
A new "glossy" has been added to Aspen's overcrowded magazine line up, it's called SNOW. You can pick up your free copy---anywhere in town. There are currently 7 seperate glossy offerings focused on Aspen ----but remains the #1 on-line tabloid in town.
Welcome to Ski Season 2007/08 ----it should be a Stone Cold Groove.
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