The Mitchell Report

This is not a story about steroids in Baseball, it's about maximizing your potential and looking your best.
Dr. Mitchell Shek, M.D., F.A.C.P. is an artist, especially when it comes to medical procedures related to the face
Dr. Mitchell Shek: The man with the magic hands.and skin. The Staff at Aspen Spin is way, ....way to young and good looking to need that kind of stuff, but we've heard from some influential A-Spinners that "Shek is the Best".
Click on his banner or go to for more detailed info.
Research has revealed that Aspen is the oldest, most affluent tourist market in the entire ski industry. ---- Really? ---- Everyone looks so young and beautiful out here, especially the "Cougars" and the "great Grand Pappy's" over at the Wrinkle Room.
Since Dr. Shek has become our promotional partner, we've learned their secret. If you've got a few wrinkles---take a shot of Botox. Feeling a little stressed? Get a little pick me up from a Restylane Facial Sculpting session, or get a Derm. Abrasion. Are those Varicose Veins bugging you?, get 'em fixed.
It's all good----we're almost into 2008. What used to be considered science fiction, is now reality. If you don't like what G-D gave you----dial into Dr. Shek, he can fix it. Call 1-866-RENU-YOU, mention and receive 20% off of your first procedure.

Reader Comments (1)
Mitchal has a great piece of work.