Don't Taze me ....Bro!!!

Has Aspen Spin... "jumped the shark"? We say F#cK that!!!! Yeah---- we shamelessly promote stuff, we sometimes pander to our sponsors and to the pretty girlz. So what? It's working, and we say Thank You.
Please factor in the fact that Aspen Spin's staff has hit every POW day for the past 5+ years, ------ if that doesn't give us some sort street cred around here-----than what does? Also, if you have access to a jet, one question----why aren't you on it. GET HERE NOW!!!
The season's gearing up quickly....very quickly. We can't keep up. We're hiring "special" correspondents....and we're paying CA$H money. If you get a scoop or some awesome pix---NIGHT LIFE---- or--- SKI LIFE---send 'em in to ----you're hired.
(from left)AAM director Heidi Zuckerman, ICA curator Ingrid Schaffner, Artist Karen Kilimnik and ICA Director Claudia Gould stand next to The Matterhorn.
We're backing up on the events. 2 or three every night.
The opening of the Karen Kilimnik installation at AAM was spectacular. The exhibit is a must see--through 2/3/08. We especially liked THE FOLLY, a multi-media sculpture and The RED ROOM. As featured previously on A-Spin, in YOU GOTTA have ART, Ms. Kilimnik's work is showcased on Aspen's 2007/2008 lift ticket.
The Kilimnik exhibition debuted at The Institute of Contemporary Art (ICA) at the University of Pennsylvania, in Philadelphia, the artist's home town. It's also been to Miami and will be showing at MCA Chicago following it's Aspen run. Aspen Spin likes to "experience" our Art and we find the opportunity to meet and interact with artistic talent that visits Aspen to be quite stimulating. It helps us to "translate" the work. Ms. Kilimnik's portraiture and command of oil is astounding. We highly recommend the exhibit, bring your lift ticket---save 50% on admission.
The Bar Sqaud at Boo Boo prep the Grand Marnier.
Since the BOO BOO club has threatened Aspen Spin with legal action, we won't even mention the Grand Marnier / Men's Journal event called Taste of the Slopes. Oooop's. It was killer. Chef Miles Angelo laid out a sit down feast for 100. Lamb, duck, lobster, you know the drill. Grand Marnier hosted a ---"semi" open bar. "Have any thing you want as long as it's Grand" their rep from NYC announced. Can you mix Grand w/ tequilla?
We don't mean to pick on the Famous BOO BOO, but pull-Leeeese, please get some new tunes in there. If we see one more dinosaur dancing to---- Beat it --------with a hot 35 year old woman, we're gonna BARF!!
The A-Spinners: These girlz make their own rulez. Jess, Lily, Frances and Dawnette.
Dishy Polly and the fetching Michelle snuggle up with their high-tech boy toys. The Steve Miller Band featuring Ari and Chance.
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