
Yeah... dude!!!! The crowd at the Gondola yelped ecstatically as the ropes dropped and the buckets started to load up. Sure, it was wet, but it was deep. Yeah...dude!! What started as an epic rain storm turned into the best powder day in Aspen since last February. The A-Spin-O-meter said 12 to 15 inches. Sweeeeeeeeet. The huge line at the lift could have been labeled---"local's only", because the tourists were either ----not here ---or----still in bed. Highlights included---ducking the ropes on Back of Bell for "waste deep" schralping.
Getting up early was quite a chore, especially after the town "went off" at the Deborah Harry show on Friday night. The iconic former lead singer for Blondie is touring to support her new CD, Necessary Evil. She might be north of 60, but she still works it, and it was a great show. Also, the crowd was a spicy combination of Hot Chix mixed with some Hotter ones.
But seriously, if you're a "hard core" athlete---and you know you are. You should have been here tonight for the 2nd annual SUMMIT FOR LIFE. It's a 2-1/2 mile uphill hike to the top of AJAX,---- at night, -----in the snow. Over 200 racers wore, snow-shoes, ski's or crampons for the 3200 vertical foot uphill. Olympic medalist, and Aspen local CHRIS KLUG is a transplant recipient---it saved his life. Check out the Chris Klug foundation and to see how organ and tissue donation can save lives.
More shreading tomorrow.
Big time closers Lilya and Ruth Kruger with Marie P.--stylist to the stars, enjoying Blondie.
On your mark...get set.......
Johnny Aspen livin' large with Freshman class pledges Pamela and the aluring Alexis of Aspen Mag.
CHRIS Klug getting fired up for the race up Ajax.
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