Face Shots

Are you in town? All 4 mountains are skiing great----thanks to all the freshies we've been receiving. With so many "non-skiers" in Aspen for the holiday season, we feel the need to explain the title of our latest photo album, FACE SHOTS. In Skiing, a face shot occurs when the POW is so deep and fluffy that the snow shoots up into your face on every turn. We've gotten our share of FACE SHOTS recently. Ski Co. even called this past month "DEEP-cember" based on the 7 feet of snow that's hit Aspen.
We saw a disturbing item in The Aspen Times this morning. The story suggests that an "unnamed party" is "very close" to finalizing a deal to buy a small parking lot in Aspen's Core-----for the princely sum of $39 million. We're frightened by this news, but we are hopeful that it's an A.B.J deal--(Anybody but Jabba). The selling broker has indicated that the development plan for the vacant lot will allow for "sensible growth", because the developer will build several stories below grade. Digging deep should be easy for the big fella, it'll bring him closer to his ultimate home,----- H-E-Double Toothpicks.
A reminder, most of the pix on A-Spin are "thumb nails". If you want a better look, ----just click it. Clicking the picture shown below will take you to the FACE SHOTS photo album.
So do it -----ASAP.
Click any of the links to get FACE SHOTS
Click 'em all !!!
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