Reality Check

Pop culture is a funny thing. It's a phenomenon. Don't lie---over the past 12 months, you've seen Britney Spears' flashing va-Jay-jay, you've probably viewed clips of Paris checking into or out of the slammer, and the "personal" photo's have finally come out -------- proving that Lindsey Lohan is a nympho.
In Aspen, there's been a recent back-lash against the Paparazzi. Sidewalk skirmishes with the Pap's have been front page news in both daily papers. There were warnings issued and cautionary quotes from the new Police Chief, who's been in command for about 2 weeks now. There are tons of celebs in town. Big names like, Heidi and Seal, Mariah Carey, George Hamilton, Robert Wagner and Jill St. John, Barry Bonds, Jabba the Hutt, Goldie and Kurt, etc.
As for Aspen Spin----we are not Paparazzi, we are social documentarians. Yes, we will snap an occasional picture or two, but not without permission. We will not follow you down the block or interrupt your dinner or engage in a high speed car chase just to get the picture. As media, we're privy to a dirty little secret and we're spilling.
We've witnessed the pack of photog's following Heidi and Mariah around town. Curiously, they seem to leave Jack Nicholson and Barry Bonds alone. This is how it usually goes, one of these glamorous ladies will exit an upscale store, stop at the door, pose for a few shots near the sign, then they walk down the street at the speed of molasses---showing only their best side. Their outfits and makeup are always flawless. The Pap's shout stuff like, "Heidi, you look beautiful today, over your shoulder--- please." "Mariah, Mariah---you're awesome , you're #1 , just one more, please, give us a smile". It takes about 45 minutes for these ladies to walk 100 yards -----while Jack and Barry, they stroll down the street unimpeded.
An un-named source has revealed the truth to us. The snappers in Aspen don't work for Us Magazine or People or Wire Image. Heidi and MiMi hire their own Paparazzi and bring them to town, all expenses paid. In fact they are actually co-oping the cost to save money. All the Paparazzi are crashing at the Holiday Inn down in Glenwood and their celebrity targets---are in reality their employers. Shhhhhhhhh, don't tell the people watching E! or Entertainment tonight-----but it's all a big scam. Now you know.
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