Straight Line

Even some of the straight folks came out to play during GSW. The ski conditions are still awesome---despite
Click here to see the Straight Line Pixthe mercury getting down to 20 below overnight. We've been getting it done in the White Room every day, but------ man it's cold. That's January in Aspen.
Nello Balan, owner of the famed NYC restaurant that bears his name was in Aspen to ski with his wife Elbi and their kids. The Balan's threw a phenomenal party at The Little Nell that was well attended by the skiers and the fashionistas alike.
Click on Straight Line to see the pix.
This week is setting up to be a HUGE one as X-Games ignite on Thursday. The pow and the parties are gonna be siiiiiiiiiiiiiiick!! Stay tuned.
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