Who's fault is it ?

Our last entry caused quite a stir in internet-ville.
Was it too darn Sexy? Were the pix a little too risqué? Did your wife see it? Did your pic. not make the cut?
That's how we ROLL @ www.AspenSpin.com .
Several different people seem to think they are the inspiration for some of the characters you read about on A-Spin. All we can say is----the pictures are not that disturbing--- so calm down. Laugh a little.
At A-Spin we have a silent partner. He's really the brains behind our whole thing. He pulls all the strings. He lives on a lake. He's the one sportin' the big J-Fro in the photo shown above. Yup, he's posing with those 2 sweaty campfire girlz. He's the guy in charge of the all the final edits, and he manages the complaint department at A-Spin. Got a problem? Tell it to The Fro.
Feel free to contact The Fro via e-mail at AspenSpin@Gmail.com to express your thoughts.
Thank you,
The Staff of Aspen Spin.
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