The "new" Best Day Ever in Aspen

Photo Matt Power. 12/7/07 the "former" best day ever.Twas two days before Christmas, and all through the Valley
anticipation was high, Winter weather did rally.
big,soft, fluffy snowflakes began dropping like the Dow,
it got so deep, even Santa needed a plow.
it dumped and dumped and dumped all night, into the morn,
The line at the bucket started to amass, the tourists were forlorn.
26 inches of fresh POWDER and it was all "nipple deep"
unlimited "face shots" for those who found the steeps.
lap after lap after lap, locals on fatties were ripping,
the Nooo Yawkers ate lunch, fondue they were dipping.
POW kept a fallin', would it stop, hopefully never.
the standard was set in Aspen, The "new" BEST DAY EVER.
Editor's note: We surveyed countless Aspen veterans in our quest to determine if 12.23.08 was actually the best day ever on Ajax. We compared 12.23.08 to several huge epic POW days from the past, including 12.07.07 (pictured above) and others from last year's-- BEST SEASON EVER. We considered snow quality, depth, terrain available and the omnipresent stench of weed in each and every gondola car to reach our conclusion. YES!!!! its official, 12.23.08 is the "new" best day ever, and it was siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiick. Agree or disagree? You can post a comment below.

Reader Comments (1)
Agree! It as EPIC! I so loooove living here!