Peak Week in Aspen

Aspen is buzzzing. The town is on 'roids. Everybody who's anybody is here. Its a full-on stampede to "see and be seen". We've got heads on beds, ---almost every pillow in town is being used. There's even been a few lift lines on Ajax (very unusual)---- but only on the sunny days of course.
It's peak week in Aspen. See pix @ PEAK PARTY.
One new trend we've noticed this year is the heightened "bitchy-ness" among the visitors to Aspen. Everybody seems crankier than normal. Perhaps its the crumbling of the U.S. economy, or the geo-political tension, or the huge negative impact of the Bush Administration that's got everyone on edge. Whatever it is that's causing the less than cordial atmosphere ---it needs to change. Heads up people,RELAX ---you're getting to "live the dream" for a week or two---so enjoy it while you can. Shhhh don't tell, but we're lookin' forward to January 3rd when Aspen clears out and gets back to normal.
Regardless of the economy,one thing remains constant.The Aspen party circuit rages on. Aspen Peak Magazine teamed up with the boyz at The Crystal Palace Grille to throw a post-Christmas cocktail bash. The crowd was comprised of beautiful people and jet-setters from all over the world. The drinks were flowing and the prawns were as big as my arm.
Click the pix @ PEAK PARTY
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