Party Shots

This Week in Aspen:
Good News- The World's financial markets seem to have avoided a total colapse.
Better News- The X-Games entourage has moved on and Aspen is back to normal.
Great News- Almost 3 feet of fresh snow this week, so it's soft and getting softer.
Best News- A-Spin's Party Shots from X-Games are soooo money, and they're finally ready for public consumption. We took so many "good ones" that we had to break it down into 2 photo albums. Take you're time, ----there's a lot of riveting content here. Grab a bag of chips and enjoy it.
Click these thumb-nails to get to the pix.
Party Shot pix are sponsored by: Rip It, Energy Fuel & Bud. Light.
A huge A-Spin thanks to everyone who threw the X-games parties. Fly, Red Bull, FreeSkier, Roxy, Aspen Daily News, Skull Candy, Radio Boardshop, Rip It, T. Hall/Massive, Aspen Ski Co., Mountain Dew, Oakley, Powder Mag., Jeep and of course ESPN.
That's all folks---it's another POW day, we gotta go hit it, ----again.
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