What Crisis?

Click for the GOOD TIMES pix.Wall Street is so "old economy". Bear Stearns? History!! 2 bucks a share? Hello?
What's the deal yo?
The Fed is printing money in an attempt to improve confidence. In NYC, cranes are dropping from the sky? The "Spritzer" he's gone now, but new allegations are coming out about former N.J. Gov. Jim McGreevey. It turns out he wasn't just fooling around with other guys. He was bringing in his wife to be "the meat" in his guy/guy sandwiches. If all politicians are so Kinky, we're running for office.
What the F#%K is going on in America?
Here in Aspen, it's ALL GOOD!! It's the POW, The PIX and The PEOPLE.
To check out the latest Spin-Shotz --click-- GOOD TIMES.
Do it now---before the bottom falls out.
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