Free Range Golf

Click to EnterGrassRoots TV 12 is hosting one of the best events of the summer on May 30, 2008. It's a perfect excuse to take the day off from work to support a great cause---and play 18 holes.
The FREE RANGE OPEN GOLF (F.R.O.G.)Tournament @ the posh Snowmass Club is GrassRoot TV's Annual golf throw down--- so don't miss it.
The Texas Scramble style tourney is open
Click to Enterto EVERYONE. You can enter as an individual or with your own team of four golfers. The $100 per person entry fee is a substantial discount from the regular Snowmass Club greens fee. So support GrassRoots and get a great deal too.
All proceeds from the event go to support GrassRoots TV 12, the first and oldest non-profit community access TV station in America---founded way back in 1971. GrassRoots TV's mission is to "protect and nurture open channels of communication for the citizens of the Roaring Fork Valley." If you recently watched the Aspen Spinnie Awards on TV 12 (or see below) --you know that freedom of speech is important on GrassRoots TV 12.
It's not to late to enter---click or call. or 970-925-800.
Click OFF-OFF-Season to see great pix from the following local shooters.
Adam Dennis
Emily Palm
Jordan Curet
Dina Bloom
Kate Olson
Zach Ornitz
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