Air Supply

Air Guitar is serious business.
The 2008 Cuervo Black US Air Guitar Championship is up for grabs, and the
Stryker rocks Aspencompetition is getting fierce. Aspen's regional provided a major lift to the 25 city tournament as STRYKER (right) "went huge" and "mashed it". He will be a favorite in the National finals in SF on August 8, 2008. Stryker will have his hands full, however, as local product AWESOME (below, right) has "da skilz" and easily took the SF regional.
We attended a press conference for the SOLD OUT contest in SF---and these people are INTENSE. Big time Air-lickers--- Ricky Stinkfingers, Bjorn Turoque and Hot Lixx Hulahan were questioned by a huge throng of mainstream media. They were asked questions about SEX, DRUGS and ROCK and ROLL. "Hell Yes" was their group response. Bjorn Turoque who starred in the feature film Air Guitar Nation and hosted the event, elaborated, "we party, we rock, we conquer". Turoque is known for his signature move "the mid-song splif".
Stinkfingers, Turoque and Hulahan @ the presser.
When queried about Aspen's champ--STRYKER,---- the boyz seemed to get a bit
Awesome 'air-ed it out" in SFnervous. Stinkfingers spoke for the trio when he threateningly stated "the air is pretty thick down here at sea level". We over-heard, "Stryker will be destroyed when he gets to San Fran, they'll have to air-lift him out of the state". Big words from a guy who recently passed out while riding his bicycle, note the road rash.
Stay tuned A-Spinners---this is just getting good. The US finals are August 8, 2008. The madness is almost upon us.
We're gonna get AIR-IF-IED.
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