D is for Destiny

D is for Destiny. The D isn't hurting as badly this morning. The Cup is back home in the 313. For the 4th
Destiny for DETROIT.time in 11 seasons THE DETROIT RED WINGS are Stanley Cup Champions. The playoff beards can get shaved and the hard-core fans can go back to worrying about their next mortgage payment.
The "perfect human" sprays it.
D is also for DAVID VICTOR, a Detroit native and Aspen semi-local. "Fall Line DAVE" ---as he's known in the gondy is a hard charger in all aspects of life. He's a ripper (for an old guy), he's a successful entrepreneur, he's a mentch, he's a loving son, brother, husband and father-----and now he's the most politically influential Jew in the USA. David Victor was sworn in as President of AIPAC on Tuesday in Washington D.C. He is the first ever---second generation President of the Organization. Aspen Spin is not qualified to offer political commentary---but we could not let this honor go without a proper acknowledgement. AIPAC is one of the most powerful lobbying groups in the world, and our boy DAVE is now driving the bus. You can learn
Dave smoothly strokes home his point at AIPAC.more, see vids and contribute at AIPAC.ORG.
All the biggest playas showed up to honor Fall Line Dave and AIPAC. Johnny John McCain, O-Bee-bomb, Hill-Rock and more than half of Congress pressed flesh (palms up--no fist bumps) at AIPAC's Annual Meeting in D.C. Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert stated firmly before 8,000 checkbook waiving AIPAC supporters "We must stop the Iranian threat by all means possible". The crowd agreed.
On a completely unrelated matter:
D is for disclaimer. Jabba the Hutt is a fictional character created by George Lucas in the movie Star Wars. Read more about his repulsive decadence at JabbaSpin.com . We've used Jabba metaphorically to represent some of the pro-growth cartel/development practitioners and their henchmen in Aspen. Any similarities or comparisons to real people or events are purely coincidental and solely from your own imagination.
Jabba does not exist, and bigger is not always better---especially in ASPEN.

Reader Comments (2)
jabba the butt? fat and greedy keeps out little world spinning round baby.
Maya Cisco is a xxxxx