Fly Zone

WOW, the summer is flying by. Gas is $5 a gallon, the housing market is circling the drain and stocks are in the out house. What does that mean for Aspen? It's just better justification for "livin' the dream".
FLY LOUNGE / ASPEN was the scene of a crazy 2 day HIGHER party with DJ Flo (NYC). He's coming back with his boyz Scotty too Dope and Jonesy for the Labor Day Edition. Thing got a little "sticky " at FLY as Flo's beats got everybody in the mood. Use the code "Aspen Spin" to cut the line ( this offer cannot be guaranteed due to fire code). Hit FLY ZONE for PIXThe Dalai Lama, his holiness spread PEACE and Harmony all around Aspen. Does the D.L. bike and hike and stuff? Did he do yoga? Somebody give us the inside info. It's a fact that he hangs with known politicians (see pix).
The BALDWIN GALLERY had a huge opening for artists TOM SACHS, WILL COTTON and MATTHEW WEINSTEIN. All the "mountain-istas" were there to celebrate the ground breaking pieces.
Click FLY ZONE to see the pix.
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