Air Guitar Hero staffer Andy-Party is un-officially the world's oldest intern. His time in 'tech-ville" is almost over so we gave him a high-profile assignment last weekend. His "all access" report is contained below.
The national finals of The Cuervo Black U.S. AIR GUITAR CHAMPIONSHIPS (USAG) presented by TouchTunes was held in San Francisco's famed Grand Ballroom on 8/8/08. Who needs the Olympics when you've got world class competition right here?
Check the pix @ AIR GUITAR HERO .
Air Guitar is a full-contact sport. The 25 hottest air-rockers in the U.S.A. , each a regional champ already, came to SF to find fame, fortune and "air-ness". It's hard core., basically---- Go BIG, or go home. Performance related injuries ranged from Ricky Stinkfinger's broken face in Portland, to Betty B-Goode's severed toe in Brooklyn (which was later amputated) and Des Moines champ Joseph of Air-imathaia's "beer bottle" concussion.
2008 champion Hot Lixx Hulahan broke his thumb severely during the super-competitive pre-lims last Friday.
It was 25 fully engaged air-strokers; and only 5 qualified for final round. Hot Lixx "cowboy-ed up" and using his superior technicality, took the top spot. He also won the U.S. title in 2006. When asked how he managed to shred through the pain to eventually conquer a very tight field, the newly re-crowned champ had a two-word response. "DUCT-TAPE" he cringed. Luckily for him , his thumb was never prehensile to begin with. In the final minute, HLH launched an amp. to throw a HUGE summersault /stage, dive bashing head-first into the front rows. The multitudes caught him on the fly and he "crowd-surfed" back to the stage---very stylie.
It was quite a show. Hard-driving rock and roll, enthusiastic performers and a rowdy mob fueled by Cuervo Black and cola. Hot Lixx will be traveling to Oulu Finland in two weeks for the 2008 World Championships. Go Hot Lixx.
To see more, click the pix @ AIR GUITAR HERO.
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