BooB Job (for the Cure)

The Aspen /Snowmass community kept the rubber on the road for the annual SUSAN G. KOMEN / Ride for the Cure. Supporters showed off their "Save the Boobs" t-shirts and flashed strength to the 400 riders who pedaled the 100 mile century route. Weather-wise, it was one of the most spectacular days known to man. Perfect conditions, a rowdy staff of volunteers, live music, great swag and plenty of delicious food and drinks contributed to the "best" RIDE for the CURE ever. 10, 30 and 64 mile options made it a great family event. Many of Aspen's top bikers donned the pink jersey to raise money for the fight against breast cancer.
I'm still not dead, click 4 pix staked out near the start / finish line in Koch Park to capture some of the action. Each rider was required to raise at least $500 for Komen. Some, like cancer survivor RAIFIE BASS raised substantially more. Bass, formed a team of cyclists named---I'm still not dead yet,--- and they raised more than $30,000. Grand totals for the event are still being tabulated, but A-Spin's finance department estimates that more than $250,000 will be contributed to help find the cure for breast cancer. It's not to late to contribute---- dig deep, Save the Boobs --click KomenAspen.ORG . After you've donated click our pix @ BOOB JOB.
Check the pix; hit BOOB JOB.
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