Haber Vision

Foggy Goggles? Not Us. We like to see what we ski.
AspenSpin.com just stepped up to Haber Vision, and the Eliminator Goggles and its "no fog" fan technology. Steve Haber of Denver is the genius behind Haber Vision's exceptional polarized brand of goggles and sunglasses. Haber himself was instrumental in the development of the Bolle brand in the 80's and is now making his own line of highly technical, polarized, performance eye wear.
The Eliminator is really cool, it's a self contained module that you can slip easily into almost any pair of goggles. No wires, no external battery pack, just a small, lightweight housing that easily clicks in. We especially like the "auto mode" that engages the fan only when the humidity rises inside your goggles. The automatic-fan regulates and eliminates the fog---so you can see what you're shredding. The Eliminator can be purchased in Aspen, at Optical Optionsright across from the Gondy at 520 E. Durant (above Big Wrap)., or click HABER VISION. The Haber Eliminator; it'll clear your head for sure.
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