The Ripple Effect

Did you see The Ripple Effect?
Last weeks WORLD PREMIER was a special Aspen moment. The film is a visual masterpiece honoring Aspen/Snowmass. It was produced by Futuristic Films and Aspen Skiing Company and was filmed entirely in the Aspen area and stars our local athletes.
The Ripple Effect is also a bittersweet memorial to beloved local boarder Wallace "Wally Do" Westfeldt who lost his life during a filming sesh. With the Westfeldt family's blessing, The Ripple Effect was completed and shown to 2 SRO audiences at The Wheeler Opera House.
Local shredders Pat Sewell,Chris Davenport (and his 7 yr old son Stian) and the Cardamone siblings, Will and Kate, star in the rip fest along with the late Wally Do. We especially dug Sewell's " bluebird drop in" run on Shadow Mountain and the siiiiiiiiiick super gnar line taken by Dav and both Cardamones on the backside of Aspen Highlands.
Click the pix to enlarge.
AVSC's Cole, Ski Co's Perry and Weems Westfeldt spoke to an emotional crowd.
The Ripple Effect Producers Frank Pickell & Jasper Gray.
Movie Stars Will and Kate Cardamone @ The Ripple Effect
The Ripple Effect schwag fest w/ AVSC Kids
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