ASPEN SKIING -- Google it (see what comes up).

We are "good to go "in Aspen. Ski season starts today.
For a small charitable donation we get to kick off SKI SEASON 2009 / 2010 one day early, TODAY. One young new schooler told me "it's on ---like donkey kong" but we prefer "steezin' for a reason". Bring in da POW. Let it SNOW in Aspen.
It all starts again. Time to GO BIG. Today, we've got the "early" openning on AJAX, and tonight, The Hotel Jerome's 120th Aniversary Party. Thanksgiving and World Cup this weekend. Its time to GET SOME. There are no more secrets in Aspen, --we're still a ski town. CLICK pix to ENLARGE
Joan getting gussied up for the Hotel Jerome 120th Aniversary Party. TONIGHT!! Tix still Available..
Corey (from the Nell) , Nolan and S.P.A.R. from Gorsuch getting my super fatties ready 4 action.
A Team of sales engineeers from Google in Palo Alto finally made it to Aspen.
Aspen for Thanksgiving, why not? The Girlz from Ole Miss.
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