Rink Rats vs. Politicians

Hockey Night in Aspen is something special. When the buzzer sounds people from all walks of life show up at the Aspen Ice Garden to "skate it". Like most athletes in Aspen,the hockey community @ Aspen Ice Garden takes themselves pretty seriously. Its a diverse group, united by their love of Hockey. Skating hard at 8,000 ft is not for the feint of heart.
We understand that budget cuts must be made by the City of Aspen. We understand that development fees collected by the City may decrease by 50% from the recent peak. Closing the smelly but beloved Ice Garden is not the solution.
The smartest guy i know says "if you have an asset that's not utilized, it becomes a liability". If the Aspen Ice Garden is closed for half the year, as proposed, it will become a liability. Maybe that's by design. Is it a part of the City's "master plan"? Maybe its the first step on the way to converting the recreational facility (enjoyed by hundreds of adults & kids) into employee housing or free-market condos, or a big daddy Hotel or something that will generate more development fees. Something smells funny; & its not just the incredibly sweaty hockey gear housed in the Ice Garden's groady locker rooms.
Privatization of the Aspen Ice Garden is a good idea, lets make it work.
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