Shining Stars / Aspen Winter Games

The 2009 Aspen Winter Games are upon us.
Sponsored by the Shining Stars Foundation, the games are taking place March 13-20th @ Buttermilk and the Inn at Aspen. Shining Stars brings children with cancer and other life threatening diseases to Aspen to "live it up". They leave their hospital beds behind them for a few days and Go BIG. The kids get to ski and board, party, dine, disco dance, create art and more. They meet & hang with other children who have similar health circumstances and they get to experience "everything" for a week in Aspen.
It's more than a vacation for these troopers, it can be a "life changing experience". During their week in Aspen, the kids focus on what they "can do" not what they can't do. They gain strength from each other and their accomplishments, and they "go for it". Each child is given a customized plan for their own participation, under the supervision of Shining Stars medical team. You can contribute and participate- Click: SHINING STARS FOUNDATION
These kids get after it---both on the slopes and off. BALD is BEAUTIFUL.
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