Squirm Night

Squirm Night click for pixWe've said it before: Aspen is a small town. We have 2,500 voters, 5000 residents and 100,000 opinions. Political commentary is not normally our milieu..... and we are not making endorsements, simply observations (in 3 words or less).
Aspen's election is May 5th. We at A-Spin feel a sense of civic duty to try to be fully informed. Tonight we attended Aspen's SQUIRM NIGHT. Whats the Squirm?--- all the candidates for Mayor and City Council are grilled by the fourth estate, live on Grassroots TV12. Last week we attended ACRA's Q & A event. We can't get enough of the non-stop political babble.
O for 4We don't really wanna make anybody squirm, but we did want to see the squirmage ---LIVE. Our Squirm Night post from two years ago ( click Squirm), proved to be pretty sagacious (look it up). Lets see how we do this time around.
The continuous squabble that masquerades itself as Aspen politics is quite tiring. Aspenites reside in one of the most beautiful & special places in the world. Why all the suspiciousness, anger and angst within our City Government? Small town politics? Can't we all just get along.
As stated above, these are not endorsements----just observations. We limited our commentary to 3 words or less, and we tried to keep it positive. We can't choose for you. You must decide for yourself. See our take (in 3 words or less).
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