Bigger than Google ???

A ski bum's view:
CEO of Google Dr. Eric Schmidt welcomed the crowd to i/o 09Tech season started off with a bang in San Francisco. Google i/o, always a highlight, brings together nearly 4000 engineers and one ski bum. The purpose of Google i/o (input / output) is to rap about code, inspire app.s, and generally get your geek on. At this conference, the engineers, developers and super-nerds are king. Open Bar-- who cares?, "did you see the developers sand-box??"
This is A-Spin's second season covering Google i/o. Click our rookie report and photo album here .Pre game in the blogger pen.
So HTML 5 is huge, open source is huge. Its all about the browser and UI. Mobile is huge. Google's business model is simple, and we para-phrase here---- grow and improve the web, Google wins. More web users = more cash for Google. CEO, Eric Schmidt reminded the room that "power brings simplicity and scalability". Surprise guests from Palm, Mozilla and Lego confirmed the "open sourceness" of Google IO2009.
Vic Gundotra and the engineering super stars @ Google i/o 09
4000 engineers + 1 ski bum.Click the new ANDROID phone we picked up at the scwag-wagon. Check out Google WAVE, its the future of communication on the web. its like a document and a wiki and an e-mail stream all bundled together. We're not really sure why?? ...but its gonna be huge.
da boyz coding under the screen shades.
Geek chow line.
Free ANDROID phones for everyone.
Lars, inventor of Google Maps, now ridin' the WAVE.
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