Mike Kaplan, Michael Fox, Shlomo and Mayor Mick Ireland @ ACRA's Summer Lunch. Click for more pix.The Aspen Chamber Resort Association (ACRA) hosted their annual Summer Luncheon atop Aspen Mountain. A who's who of Aspen's business leaders commuted 3,267 vertical feet on the Silver Queen Gondola to the summit of Ajax. The Sundeck was filled with movers and shakers for a glorious Summer session in the best office in the world.
See the pix, Click: ACRA in ACTION.
ACRA President, Debbie Braun, Board Chair Warren Klug and a full slate of Aspen Ski Co. representatives presented a quick preview for SKI SEASON 2009/10. David Perry and Mike Kaplan both addressed "pass-gate" and provided insite on their re-vamped pricing schedule. A Recent controversy erupted in Aspen about Ski Co.'s decision to eliminate certain pass categories. Some locals are up in arms, while others are thrilled. Despite last years economic tsunami, ACRA, Ski Co. and the ACRA members seemed cautiously upbeat about the upcoming ski season. Click to see the ACRA in ACTION pix.
The benefits of ACRA membership are numerous. Paramount to many is the discounted ski passes that ACRA members and their employees have access to. At A-Spin we love the networking and our ACRA membership helps us stay on the pulse of everything A-Town. Click ACRA to review the benefits, join and take advantage of the "super-early" pricing on premier passes until Sept. 18.

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