NEPSA / Aspen

Yah, dude-bro, bro-brah, bro-bro, shred betty, chix on stix, knuckle dragger, free skiers, free-heelers, free-stylers, free-loders, rippers, strippers and midnight hut trippers. It's sooooo on. Aspen's 2009 / 2010 ski season kicked off tonight @ NEPSA.
Let us break it down 4 ya...
Aspen is the most influential ski-town in the world (our opinion). All the most influential ski-film producers in the world are in Aspen for THE MEETING & NEPSA (Aspen spelled backwards and the locals favorite). It already dumped. Cash prizes, ski porn, swag and models. Add that all up using the transitive property (our calculation) it means only one thing......
NEPSA RESULTS: 1) Pat Sewell 2)Aspen Extreme Redeux (James Logan,Tyler Middleton,Derek Koster,Vince Mathias,Greg Ernst 3) Mike Cuseo CROWD FAVORITE: ASPEN EXTREME REDEUX
Huge weekend. NEPSA, THE MEETING, Red Wings Old-Timers and Octoberfest @ Wienerstube. A giant backlog of pix 2 follow. Here's a taste, click to enlarge.
Crowd Favorite Winner. Aspen Extreme Redeux.
Neon Nate Berkel & his glow in the dark Posse.
Blizzard of Ahhhs. Film legend Greg Stump, Dav & super hot Kacee @ NEPSA in Aspen
NEPSA hosts Chris Davenport & Travis McClain.
Simon Dumont with Johnny DeCeasre (w/ Tyler Hamlet in the back) of Poor Boyz Productions @ NEPSA in Aspen.
D & E Fashion Show & Model Fest. @ NEPSA
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