Snowmass Ground Score

The Ice Age was a good time in Snowmass. Daily fossil finds have revealed "MEGAFAUNA" in the peat in Snowmass. 6 different species, about 15 individual "Ice Mammals" and more than 200 bones have been unearthed in Snowmass near Ziegler Pond in the past few weeks. "Catskinner" and bulldozer driver Jesse Steele was digging a hole when he noticed something unusual in his dozer blade on that unseasonably warm day-- October 14, 2010. He dropped out of his cab to inspect. He found a Mammoth Rib and initiated one of the most significant scientific findings ever in Colorado. Since then the Denver Museum of Nature and Science (DMNS) and Dr. Kirk Johnson have taken over the dig. Kirk, part Indiana Jones, and part Will Ferrell admitted that "bones are coming fast" and that one hole yielded a bone "every 20 minutes". They've found Mammoths, Bison, Mastodon, Deer, Salamander and one Giant Ground Sloth, all between 40,000 and 120,000 years old. Yaaaaaaay, The best news in Snowmass in a long time.
Dr. Kirk Johnson of DMNS and Jesse Steele the dozer driver who found the first bone.
Snowmass Village and DMNS hosted MAMMOTH MADNESS day at the Snowmass Conference Center to display a few bones. Expecting a BIG crowd, the Museum Staff was prepped and ready to go. Snowmass Mammoth Madness confirmed a theory--- kids love pre-historic animals. The family-friendly "mini exhibit" had a long line even before the door opened at 10 AM By 10.30 over 250 people had been clicked in--and the wait was approximately 2 hours. AspenSpin estimates that more 2500 visitors will have seen the bones before the 6 PM closing. One exasperated museum worker whispered "this is pandemonium" as she made the decision to go "double sided" on the bone table --allowing the line to move faster.
It was a great day for Snowmass. Local entrepreneur Jack Rafferty has coined the term SnowMasstodon and has already created Snowmass Mammoth Wear. Give him a click at
AspenSpin is finally warming up to Snowmass. Since the whole Base Village debacle we've stayed pretty clear of Snowmass. Last season we did catch one good day---a foot of FRESHIES on a freezing day in January. It was actually one of the best POW days of the year. With 3132 acres (3500 if you know where to go) of skiable terain Snowmass has a lot to offer. Its actually great on the "day after" POW days because we've found a few "pretty secret" stashes over the years....shhh (in the trees). Ajax only has 673 acres and to many dawgs know all the spots. So A-Spin is gonna cut Snowmass some slack this season. We dig the fossils, and we like the POW, so we'll be out there for.......10 days this season. That's a modest goal.
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