Aspen: The Catwalk / Aspen Fashion Week

Aspen Fashion Week 2010 is presenting its Sophomore season. Mountain-side fashion shows, posh parties and free in-store retail events abound. We're not sure what the end-game is for Aspen Fashion Week---but ---hey (light bulb above head)---anything that brings super-hot models to Aspen---we're in favor of. Hopefully AFW 2010 is also bringing an economic stimulus to Aspen and its not just another way for the "in-crowd" to score free booze and copious amounts of swag.
AspenSpin's fashion show takes place on the mountain, on AJAX--every day-- and we're more duct tape than ski couture. However, several of our sponsors and homies are participating in AFW 2010 in various capacities--so to them we say--- GO BIG!!!!
Julia Mancuso and Lauren Bush at the Spyder party at Il Mulino, Aspen
B2B, an Aspen trendsetter taking in the scene at Aspen Fashion Week 2010
Free spa treatments with Dr. Kenneth Mark at The Aspen Club.
Junior Fashonistas doing the Step/Repeat
On Mountain Demo w/ Heidi Skis (and founder Heidi Blum).
J. Flynn and the High Society Demo Team at Ajax.
Heidi Skis fashion show. Dig that 2011 top sheet--we do.

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