Over-the-Line, San Diego

As Ron Burgundy always says "STAY CLASSY, San Diego". Self proclaimed as "America's finest city", San Diego is like L.A.'s nicer and better looking younger sister. Known for sparkling weather, magnificent beaches and scrumptious fish tacos San Diego is home to another world famous tradition, OVER-the-LINE (OTL). The 57th Annual OTL World Championships, presented by the Old Mission Beach Athletic Club (OMBAC) were played recently on Fiesta Island. 1346 teams competed in a variety of divisions and more than 50,000 spectators joined in the revelry.
Jucied. Click to enlarge.OTL is a modified form of softball played in the sand with 3 players per side with no base running. The batting team provides its own pitcher. The object of OTL is to hit a pitched ball "over the line" without it being caught, the line is about 20 yards in front of the batters box. Using just the right stroke, (a cross between a regular softball cut and a golf swing) hitters score a run for every 3 safe hits. The defensive team attempts to catch batted balls for outs. Home runs can occur by clearing the deepest defender in the air.
OMBAC and OTL typlify the laid back So. Cal. lifestyle. OMBAC's motto, "we never have any fun". The OTL World Championship has morphed into one of the biggest beach party scenes in the world. OTL is notoriously politically incorrect and the risque' team names and costumes are infamous. Decorum prevents us from printing most of the team names and costume photos but here are a few of the less offensive examples; The Well Hungarians, Fireman in Heat, Phallus in Wonderland, Win or Lose...we booze. You get the picture? Fun in the sun in San Diego. Stay Classy.
Over-the-Line World Championships. Fiesta Island, San Diego California
OMBAC: One more Bacardi and Coke, or Old Men Behaving as Children.
These ladies are very proud of their OTL team name: He asked to put it in my butt... so i let him.
Softball bodies. OMBAC OTL World Championships
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