Comic-Con is Bizarro World

Click 4 Comic-Con pix. Bizarro SupermanDid you read comic books as a kid? Are you familiar with BIZARRO WORLD? It's the fictional planet created by DC Comics in the 60's that is depicted as the polar opposite of Earth. Remember Bizarro Superman? Bizarro Lois Lane? etc. "Us hate beauty" is part of the Bizarro Code.
Comic-Con International in San Diego is Bizarro World for AspenSpin. After nearly 5 years of documenting the "beautiful people" in Aspen, Colorado, AspenSpin stepped out of the comfort zone to cover COMIC-CON 2010. Established in 1970, Comic-Con is a 4-day convention dedicated to Comics, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Collectibles, Video Games etc.,etc. Comic-Con has morphed into San Diego's largest convention, America's Finest City welcomes about 130,000 attendees to the fest each summer. The economic impact of Comic Con to SD is almost $200 million. Its a multi-generational event as crowds ranged in age from tykes to seniors. There were comic freaks, anime devotees, hard-core-gamers, collectible enthusiasts, role players, fetishists, cos-players and more. Please note there were very few jocks and cheerleaders in attendance.
The cast of Tron: Legacy CLICK 4 MORE Comic-Con Pix.
Elvira is back on TV.Comic-Con is the polar opposite of Aspen. Attendees are not just fans...they're fanatics, who take their fandom to new levels. About 50% of the "fan-boys and fan girls" dress in elaborate costumes which is known as "Cos-play" - a new term for us. The commitment to cos-play is indescribable---hours of planning and creating the unbelievable get -ups. Click COMIC-CON to see our photos. The attendees are extremely proud to be nerds. They often wait in line overnight just to get a seat in the huge exhibition hall to view a litany of panel discussions about Tron, Big Bang Theory, World of Warcraft and countless others. Generally the comic people are friendly and well behaved, the only violence reported during the con-- one fan-boy was stabbed in the eye with a pen in a dispute over a seat. Several pass-holders had to check their real weapons (bow and arrows, spears, swords and others) at the door.
In the past 5 years or so, Hollywood has taken over Comic-Con. The suits bring a few movie and TV stars down to SD to promote their "big studio" agendas. Sly Stallone, Angelina Jolie, Wil Ferrell and (our favorite) Jeff Bridges were among the biggest names at Comic-Con 2010. Comic-Con can make or break a project. It's a way for studio execs to gauge the buzzzz for a particular story, game or character. Its also a way to promote stuff like a mutha --as swag abounds. The actors claim the main reason they attend Comic-Con is to relate to their audience and to get "in touch" with their fans, ....but in reality, security surrounding "the talent" is very, very tight. The PR Spin during the panel discussions is palpable. Every single movie has a fantastic script with a visceral story line, ground-breaking special effects and a stellar cast. After a while, it all sounds like the same bull sh*t. Nobody is going to confuse The Green hornet with Hemingway. We'll say it again, in print; CONTENT is KING.
Hellboy, click 4 pixThe fanatics don't really get a chance to get close to the big stars, but they get to see them on the giant screens posted throughout the exhibition halls. Some of the not-so-big stars do autograph sessions, but A-Spin chose not to wait on-line for 5 hours to interact for 3 seconds with Stone Cold Steve Austin, Seth Green, Elvira or LL Cool J. We flashed our press credentials--but that meant nothing-- "get to the end of the line, son". Over 10,000 media credentials were approved for the Comic-Con. We did get to attend a few big-time Hollywood press conferences, intimate affairs, with more than 500 photographers in a room meant for 50 people.
Comic-Con International in San Diego is always big fun. The costumes are amazing, the dweeby devotion is incredible, the density of people is akin to China .... and the swag..... it's just sick. Whether you're into comic books or not, Comic Con is a spectacle that should not be missed. Next year may possibly be the last Comic-Con in San Diego. Larger facilities in Anaheim and L.A. are vying to host future conferences. Our vote---Stay in DAGO!!!
Click our pix. Hit COMIC-CON.
Fat Batman embracing his inner nerd @ Comic-Con 2010
Spidey and The Flash strike a pose.
Stan Lee; the KING OF COMICS. Click 4 pix.
Spartacus; the series
Silver Surfer at Comic-Con. Click 4 pix.
After Party with Wonder Woman and Super Girl
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