Breakfast at Bonnie's (and more).

Breakfast of Champions. Click 4 pix.The New Years rush in Aspen is over so we can get back to the simple pleasures...un-real natural beauty and ski slopes that are uncrowded by design. Most of the tourists have flown the coop---thank god it was clear on Sunday so all the private jets and commercial tubs could take off.
Cold, crisp, clear, corduroy with the bluest bluebird skies awaited those who stayed. After copious laps on 3, a quick BREAKFAST at BONNIE's is a treat prescribed by AspenSpin. Famous for lots of stuff, Bonnie's is a mid-mountain restaurant on Ajax that is not operated by Ski Co. Aspen Skiing Company is great at mountain management and uphill transportation.....but their food service can be ... how can we you say it nicely.?....institutional. Bonnie's is great at one thing. FOOD. That's why Bonnie's is an institution in Aspen.
El Hombres cooki it 4 u. Click 4 pix.AspenSpin is not afraid to take a stand, and go on the record. Bonnie's Oatmeal Pancakes is the best breakfast in Aspen. We usually take one pancake with a side of savory bacon, plenty of butter (to harden arteries and raise cholesterol) and tooooo much syrup. If you're feeling spunky---drop a couple of eggs on that ---like the ski patrollers do. You never know who you'll see at Bonnie's.... the entire Ajax Ski Patrol, celebrities, billionaires and probably the few ski bums that are left in Aspen.
See the Bluebird pix;
Breakfast at Bonnie's with the first tracks crew from Miller Electrical Services

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