The Last Stammtisch at Wienerstube

Harald going big in the kitchen at Wienerstube.Aspen's venerable Austrian Restaurant, Wienerstube is going bye bye. The "stube", an Aspen tradition, has served breakfast, lunch and dinner to Aspen-ites and tourists for nearly 50 years. On 1/31/11 Wienerstube will be turning out the lights for the last time. A huge closing party is planned for the final weekend Jan. 29-31, but after that Wienerstube must move aside for the new and controversial Aspen Art Museum project. Some would call it progress, but Joni Mitchell's Big Yellow Taxi keeps ringing in our ears.
Stammtisch is a German word that is not easily translated into English. Basically it means "regular's table" or a "regular get together". The Stube's famed chef and proprietor, Harald Neuweg established the old-world europeon custom in Aspen by hosting Stammtisch at the Stube on the first Wednesday of every month. Last night was the final Stammtisch.
The Stube was packed for Stammtisch's final go-round. Regulars such as Ski Legend Klaus Obermeyer, mountain man Christian Messner and beer drinker Johnny Aspen along with plenty of pretty young women reserved their regular spots at Wienerstube. By 7pm it was Standing Room Only. The beer was flowing like wine and the tyrolean music from TAG was slightly more festive than normal. It was another great night at Wienerstube.
Get your Schnitz fix while you still can.
Click The Last STAMMTISCH for PIX
Regulars at The Last Stammtisch at Wienerstube. click for Pix.
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