Stone Temple Pilots kick it out in Aspen, Colorado

Yes it happened. Right on schedule. The Stone Temple Pilots played their first gig in years tonight at Belly Up Aspen.
400 souls packed The Belly Up to see Scott Weiland, the DeLeo Brothers and Eric Kretz kick out the Jams at 8000 ft. It was a highly anticipated sold out event. Demand on the street was high, tix were selling at a premium out in front. The scalpers price tag ???....face alone was $155 for G.A. and $375 for reserved seats.
click 4 PEOPLE PIX
STP is often grouped with the Seattle grunge scene, but they actually emerged out of San Diego in 1992. Weiland the flamboyant lead singer who has had highly publicized bouts with substance abuse and trouble with Johnny Law appears to be back in form. They played all their hits, Vasoline, Big Empty, Plush and even covered Led Zep's Dancing Days. STP broke up in 2003, and reformed in 2008. They've won Grammy's, they've played the stadium circuit and tonight they charged it , at full throttle in Aspen, Colorado. It was a rock show.

Reader Comments (1)
Can you post the seltist?