Jumbo Loan King rules in Aspen.

Keith Lewis is The Jumbo Loan King.
If you need a JUMBO he's your guy. Lewis is now licensed in Colorado so he can do biz in the big leagues, i.e. Aspen. Aspen is historically a "cash at closing" type of town, but times have changed. In the old days, before the economic crisis only about 30% of Aspen homes were financed. In the post apocalyptic Aspen, there may be a few people reading this who need a JUMBO. Spec. builders who are seeking financing should give Keith a click. He can deliver the goods without proof of income. You'll have to qualify in other ways of course. There are plenty of people in Aspen who don't fit into the pretty little box that conventional lenders require. Lewie has a rolodex full of private-equity lenders who can tailor a loan to suit your needs. Need a $15 or $20 million loan....give Keith Lewis a chance to make the deal.
Click to get a JUMBOWe realize there are people looking for conventional financing in Aspen too. Say you own a $25 million pad on Red Mountain or a $15 million crib on Thunder Bowl, The Jumbo Loan King can help you liquefy. It seems like the Aspen real estate market is picking up a little. Several high-end transactions have occurred recently (albeit at prices 30-40% below original asking price) and stuff also seems to moving on the entry level. Aspen sellers are getting realistic, and buyers are showing up. The Jumbo Loan King can help make it happen for you.
One good thing about Aspen....every loan is a JUMBO.
For the best Jumbo rates in the country, Call or click Keith Lewis. 888-44-LEWIS. Mention AspenSpin and receive a cool free gift at closing.
If this is your house...call LEWIE. If you want this house click or call 888-44-Lewis.

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