Wiley Maple: Aspen's World Class Ski Racer

Wiley Maple, Aspen's World Cup racer. CourtesyPhoto: US Ski Team.Wiley Maple was born and raised in Aspen, Colorado. He's the son of a skiing family. Wiley is now a 22 year old world class ski racer who came up through the ranks chasing gates with AVSC. As a grom he landed on the podium more often than not.
Wiley Maple now races against the world's best competition on the FIS World Cup circuit, the major leagues of ski racing. He scored his first World Cup points last season...and this Winter he's back for more as a member of the U.S. Ski Team. Wiley is currently prepping for the upcoming World Cup season after overcoming a complicated knee surgery and the corresponding summer-long re-hab. Wiley trained extremely hard all Summer according to our sources at Park City's Center for Excellence, where the U.S. Ski Team trains. He is currently ripping laps on the snow at the U.S. Ski Team's Speed Center at Copper Mountain.
Wiley's Boyz came out to support him. Click 4 pix.Last night the whole town of Aspen came out to support Wiley with a fund-raiser at the Wheeler Opera House. It's an expensive proposition to be a ski racer. Travel costs alone are a small fortune. Mike Marolt and Montezuma Basin productions helped roll out the red carpet with a siiiiiiiick silent auction and the showing of the cultier than cult film...Deep Winter.
Click: Wiley 4 more pix
It's not to late to do Wiley a solid. Wiley needs to raise $22,000 for expenses not covered by the U.S. Ski Team. He'll be heading to Europe soon, so c'mon skiers, Aspenites, all 1% ers, 47 %ers....everybody. Let's help Wiley realise his full potential. Click the link to Wiley Maple's Pay Pal account and give generously.
Ed Cross and Richard Allen are Aspen veterans who came out to support Wiley Maple. Click 4 Pix.
Aunt Marlene's decadent Marvelous Hot Fudge was a HUGE seller. Click 4 pix.
These groms came out to support their home town hero. Click 4 pix.

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