Nerd Herding at Comic Con 2012.

Comic Con 2012. San Diego, Ca.Everyone has seen the episode of Entourage where Vince alienates an influential blogger only to regain his support by hooking the guy up with porn stars.
Well, it's not far from the truth.
Comic Con 2012 is a wrap. Almost everyone survived. Unless you've attended Comic Con yourself it's difficult to conceptualize. Aspen Spin will attempt to break it down for you. Comic Con has become the most important Pop Culture event of the year. Over 600 hours of programming takes place over 4 no one can do it all, but A-Spin created 3 photo albums for your perusal. Click 'em, like 'em, tag 'em, share 'em.
*BAD KIDS go to HELL Movie Premier and Red Carpet.
Will Ferrell and Zack Galifianakis wnet through the rickets in the press room. Click 4 Pix.
RDJ. The biggest movie star on the planet.Comic Con started originated in San Diego 1970 with 300 attendees. Now, in 2012, attendance is capped-off at 130,000 badges (includes attendees, panelists, industry people and exhibitors). 10's of thousands more un-badged revelers descend on San Diego's Gaslamp district to take it all in.
The convention floor consists of 460,000 square feet. Every inch is packed. That doesn't include the square footage rented in neighboring hotels, restaurants and other venues.
Parking is $40 and you can't find a space.
The economic impact of Comic Con to San Diego is estimated at $180,000,000, $75 million of which is spent directly inside the convention center.
Hall H is the largest meeting room at Comic con and holds 6500 souls. Devotees wait in line for up to 3 days to secure their spots for presentations like Twilight, Game of Thrones, Iron Man 3 etc.
Cos Play (dressing up in costume) has become the "new black". Comic geeks take their cos play very, very seriously, creating elaborate costumes and sometimes choosing completely obscure characters to imitate.
San Diego is in danger of losing the Con to Anaheim which has a larger convention center. Very few people (outside of Anaheim) are rooting for that.
We'll let our pix do the talking.
Comic CON invades San Diego. CLICK 4 PIX. COS PLAY is the NEW BLACK.
BAD KIDS go to HELL Movie Premier at Comic Con. Yes..that's Judd Nelson. CLICK 4 PIX.
Don Cheadle doing press for Iron Man 3 at Comic Con. Click 4 more pix.
Ian McKellen hyping The Hobbit at Comic Con. See more from the Press Room. Click here.
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