The Wish Factory

Click to DONATE to MAKE-A-WISHAs Comic Con approaches our in-box is jam packed with with Media Alerts. There is no possible way to keep up with the sheer volume of press releases. Like a beacon, one e-mail stood out, it came from Octagon on behalf of the Make-A-Wish foundation. Octagon is huge so we clicked.
Nerdist, E-Bay, Shoebacca, gogo, The Spazmatics, The Dan Band and others were joining forces to take an epic journey to Comic Con. It is called COURSE of the FORCE. Course of the Force is a 5-day, California style Star Wars tribute and a light sabre running relay traveling from Santa Monica to San Diego. It's also a fundraiser for the Make-A-Wish foundation.
Click for Course of the Force.We caught up with the Course of the Force at their "Conival", a mid-relay carnival and concert at the OceanSide Pier on a beautiful Southern California afternoon.
Part fundraiser, part Star Wars geek fest, part athletic event, part concert, Course for the Force is raising money and awareness for MAKE-A-WISH Foundation. Make-A-Wish has been granting wishes to sick kids with life threatening illnesses since 1980. As an organization, Make-A-Wish has granted over 220,000 wishes. The San Diego chapter is celebrating their 3000th "wish granted" with an event on July 21 at Petco Park.
Nerds are not really known at big spenders, so A-Spin is trying to connect the dots to some of our deep pocketed friends on the internet. Making a sick kid's wish come true...there really is no better feeling. I know, because I've done it a few times. Do me a personal favor. Click Course for the Force to bid on some awesome auction items...or click Make-A-Wish and just make a donation. Large or it now.
Giving back feels good. Granting a wish to a terminally ill child puts things in persepective.
The Spazmatics jammed in Oceanside for Course of the Force and Make-A-Wish. Click for pix
Ted...the Intern kept it together at Course of the Force and Make-A-Wish. Click for pix.
Cos play at Course of the Force and Make-A-Wish. Click 4 pix.
Cody Lovaas getting chicks after he opened Course of the Force. Click 4 pix.
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