Mad Hatter's Ball

The 3 finalists at The Mad Hatter's BallAs part of the Winterskol 2013 festivities, The Aspen Historical Society resurrected an Aspen tradition from the 70's...The Mad Hatter's Ball. The Mad Hatter's Ball is part competition, part fashion show, part rock show and entirely fun.
Click 4 pix: MAD HATTER's BALL
Earlier in the evening, The Aspen Freshman Class matriculated at the Aspen State Teachers College enduring the required class... ASPEN HISTORY 101. Dr. Slats Cabbage and the gang from Aspen State kept the lecture fun and everyone who attended got a free beer. The upper-classmen started to roll in later for the first renewal of the MAD HATTER'S BAll. It was an impressive showing for sure to be annual modern-day incarnation of the festive celebration of self-expressionism. It's pretty obvious that Aspenites enjoy any reason to dress up in costume...and they will do it at the drop of a hat. In this case...the hats were the thing. Over 100 Mad Hatter contestants lined up on stage at The Wheeler Opera House to compete in the "best hat" competition. The hats were incredible, extremely diverse...and many were quite amazing. It game down to the final 3. The Bird Cage, the Gator, and the eventual winner...The Bell Mountain Bonnet (built to scale). It was a fantastic show of head gear. The contest was followed by a full on jam session from Aspen's favorite local band Jes Grew. It was great to see The Wheeler Opera House rocking in the aisle.
The Snowball at Mad Hatter's Ball. Click 4 pix.
Hats, Hats, Hats. Click for pix.
3 girls for every guy at Mad Hatter's Ball for Winterskol in Aspen. Click 4 pix.
Jes Grew ...backstage at The Mad Hatter's Ball. Click 4 pix.
Jam Session at Mad Hatter's Ball. Click 4 pix.
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