Spring Breakers invade Aspen

Guitar Hero with Steve Stevens. Click 4 pix.The last 48 hours are still a blur. Yes, skiing and partying are my milieu but things spun out of control in Aspen this past weekend. The Spring Breakers are here and dat sh*t got turned up to 11. The Spring Breakers were out in force this week as Easter and Passover coincided in a perfect-storm in Aspen. Bluebird days and late, late rowdy nights have finally caught up with A.Party. I'm taking today off.
Click for pix: SPRING BREAKERS
Let me say it out loud. I love "corn snow". For the uninitiated...corn snow is the soft, partially melted snow we get on the mountain when Spring gets sprung and temps rise above 40 during the day, but fall below freezing at night. If your timing is right...and you guage your aspects properly, and you know where to go... the corn can be almost as much fun as the POW. On Friday, The Dumps "went off" around 1 o'clock and we got some great Spring skiing.
The music was off the charts this weekend. Aspen / Snowmass and Bud Light threw their annual Spring Jam Core Party, so we got two free concerts in the center of town...and free kettle corn. On Friday night the super-entertaining March Fourth Marching Band (M4) took over the core of Aspen. While M4 has played in Aspen several times previously (see our first take here) they shared their "kalidescope of musical and visual energy" with a whole new crowd. The all-ages show was spectacular. The streets of Aspen were packed with thousands of white affluent people jamming to sounds of M4's 7 piece brass section and 5 piece percussion corps guided by a funky electric guitar and bass. The visual spectacular includes fire jugglers and stilt walkers. The show was extremely well receiveds and may have been the best Core Party show ever. A-Spin after-partied at the famous "Rabbit Lodge" into the early morning.
Keg stands w/ the Easter Bunny. Click 4 pix.Saturday required a second wind. We enjoyed another beautiful Spring day on Ajax skiing with the spring breakers. We had 2 celebrity encounters at the Sun Deck, actor Luke Wilson and Congressman Paul Ryan (R, Wisc) were spotted (not together). A not-to-miss event is the on-mountain party's on Bonnie's Deck.... the 13th year in a row. We capped that off with a super-rowdy apres session at Ajax Tavern and Sky.
Saturday's Core Party music kicked in again around 8.45. A last minute cancellation caused the Ski Co. to bring in an emergency replacement act from L. A. The Magnificent 7...a hard rock super group conglomeration featuring guys from Jane's Addiction, Billy Idol and Skid Row. Lead singer SEBASTIAN BACH has aged well and the set list was filled with classic 80's and 90's hard driving rock and roll. After all the EDM and hip hop around here...it was good to hear some solid guitar based rock songs...all covers. The highlight for me was when CHAD SMITH, drummer from the Red Hot Chilli Peppers sat in for an awesome version of Led Zeppelin's Whole Lotta Love. It was great to hear Bach's honesty when he explained to the rowdy crowd, "we were contracted for a certain amount of time....but *bleep that*...we're here to play this *motherbleeper*...consider this a bonus track". The Magnificent 7 kicked out a stellar version of G n R's rock anthem Paradise City to the delighted crowd in front of Paradise Bakery.
Chad Smith was in Aspen to ski and to play a gig with his side band at Belly Up, Aspen. Chad Smith's Bombastic Meatbats is a funky rock fusion instrumental group that blew the roof off Belly Up. Chad's distinctive style on the skins got him inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame with the Peppers and won him a Grammy. Smith is from my neighborhood back in suburban Detroit and is well known for being one of the coolest guys in rock. In addition to being a great guy he bears a striking resemblance to Will Ferrell. According to Will, "Chad is a very handsome guy".
Furrys at Apres. Click 4 pix.A late night bon voyage party for 7 year local, Erin Robinson capped it all off.
So forgive me. I couldn't keep up with the Spring Breakers. I took Easter Sunday off. Andy Party does get tired. After I walked my dog, I got back in bed, I read the NY Times, I ate chips, I watched hoops & the season premier of Game of Thrones. Gotta rest up. Gotta be ready to shred on Monday.
Click for pix: SPRING BREAKERS
March Fourth Marching Band. Killer show in the streets of Aspen. Click 4 pix.
Sebastian Bach and the hard rocking Magnificent Seven were a last minute addtion to the street party. Click 4 pix.
Chad Smith sat in on Whole Lotta Love and led his own band The Bombastic Meatbats. They rocked Aspen. Click 4 pix.
13th Annual Party at Bonnie's. click 4 pix.
Spring Skiing with On Mountain VIPs. Click SPRING BREAKERS for more photos.
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