Charge it; It's Aspen.

Breakfast with Jonny. First in line at 6.10 AM Opening weekend on Aspen Mountain has come and gone. The skiing was pretty darn terrain was open. Saturday's line at the Gondola started at a reputed 6.10 AM. Veteran liftie Jonathon Ayalon claimed the first spot and cooked tasty breakfast sandos for anyone who wanted one. A.Party was late to the 8 AM there was at least 50 die-hards in line. It was a beautiful bluebird Saturday and top to bottom laps were plentiful. In fact...I personally did too many laps...because I was pretty tired and sore.
Good thing I went to bed early.
Like ASPENSPIN for more pix.
Mikey: He likes it!!! Opening Day 2014/15Sunday begat a whole new mindset. It was a POW Day. Cold, windy, snowy and foggy conditions and 6" of freshies (generous measure) made for an immediate scramble for first tracks. There was also a line on Day #2...but it was much shorter and people were seriously ready to shred. Day #1 was a warm was the real thing. Visibility in some areas was almost zero...but the POW was cold, soft and light. Flotation turns were there for the taking. Many people were slashing, myself included.
Now I'm laying on the couch, too tired to move, watching football and reading the Sunday NY Times (hard copy). It's good to be back on the sticks...and the forecast is for more snow.
It'll be another early night for AspenSpin.
Welcome to ski season 2014/15.
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