The Sorrows of Young Mike by John Zelazny

Author John Zelazny networking in Aspen.When one of the young ski bums in Aspen publishes his first novel...AspenSpin reads it.
The Sorrows of Young Mike by John Zelazny is a valiant first effort. JZ calls the book a parody and it relates to the classic book The Sorrows of Young Werther by Goethe first published in 1774. Like Werther... Mike's sorrows are loosely autobiographical...but this time the author is Mike...errrr... John Zelazny. John skis by day, fits boots, and writes a music column for the Aspen Daily News by day and night...and still finds the energy to hit the Aspen party circuit all while publishing books.
The Sorrows of Young Mike chronicles Mike's social life aboard a giant cruise ship... a cruise for credit...errr semester at sea. As Mike sails the World for college credit he navigates a long distance relationship via text message with his girl back in Boulder. His magnetism attracts a group of friends on the boat including an available and sexy classmate.
As the story evolves....well I don't want to spoil it.
The Sorrows of Young Mike is a quick and interesting read. We highly recommend it. JZ should be very proud of his work. We are looking forward to his next publication soon... after ski season.

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