Welcome to Aspen

Today is the busiest travel day of the year (according to CNBC). Over 3 million people are flying around the United States. Thankfully only a few of them are here in Aspen. Aspen's population swells from about 7500 people to nearly 50,000 people over the next few days.
The quiet and beautiful pre-season is over. The holiday season is upon us.
Here in Aspen, inside the bubble...it was a gorgeous bluebird ski day. After 3 days of single digit highs and below zero low temps the chill was lifted.
We got after it. It was a bro-down up there.
AspenSpin wants to wish everyone....yeah everyone...a happy and healthy holiday season. Give those close to you an extra firm hug. And if you see me...give me a hug too.
A.Town looks ready for 50,000 extra people.
Andy Party finally found a nice girl
These AspenSpin fans demanded a cover shot.

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